

词组 man
释义 man /mæn/ SEE ALL
be sb’s ˈman/ˈwomanbe the best person to do a particular job, etc. 是(某份工作等)最合适的人;是最佳人选If you need a driver, then I’m your man.
If you need a good music teacher, she’s your woman.
be ˈman enough (to do sth/for sth)be brave enough (to do sth) 有足够的勇气(做某事)He won’t fight — he’s not man enough!
be no good/use to ˈman or ˈbeast (informal) be completely useless 毫无用处;一无是处Since the Chernobyl disaster the land round here has been no use to man or beast.
be your own ˈman/ˈwomanact or think independently, not following others or being ordered to do things 独立自主;有主见Working for himself meant that he could be his own man.
every man has his ˈpriceeveryone has their ˈprice (saying) everyone can be persuaded to do sth against their moral principles if you offer them enough money 人皆有价;每个人都有可能被收买;重赏之下,必有勇夫it’s every ˌman for himˈself (saying) you must think about your own interests, safety, etc. first, before the interests, etc. of other people 人各为己;人首先考虑自己的利益In business, it’s every man for himself.
make a ˈman of/out of sbmake a young man develop and become more adult 使成为男子汉;使长大成人My father was very old-fashioned. He was always trying to ‘make a man of me’ by taking me fishing or camping with him.
a/the ˌman about ˈtowna man who frequently goes to fashionable parties, clubs, theatres, etc. 活跃于交际场所的人;社交界名人ˌman and ˈboyfrom when sb was young to when they were old or older 从小到大;自幼;一辈子He’s been doing the same job for 50 years — man and boy.
他从小就干这工作,有 50 年了。
the ˌman (and/or ˌwoman) in the ˈstreet (BrE also the man (and/or woman) on the ˌClapham ˈomnibus old-fashioned ) an average or ordinary person, either male or female 普通人;老百姓You have to explain it in terms that the man in the street would understand.
a ˌman of ˈGod/the ˈcloth (old-fashioned, formal) a religious man, especially a priest or a clergyman 神职人员;(尤指)牧师,司铎the ˌman of the ˈmatch (BrE, sport 体育) the man who plays the best in a game of football, cricket, etc. (足球、板球等比赛中的)最佳运动员a ˌman of the ˈpeople (especially of a politician 尤指政治家) a man who understands and is sympathetic to ordinary people 体恤民情者;体察民意者The main reason he was so popular was that despite being one of the most powerful men in the country, he was also a man of the people.
a ˌman of ˈstrawa weak or cowardly person 懦夫;软弱的人You don’t need to be frightened of him — he’s a man of straw.
NOTE This idiom compares a person to a model of a man filled with straw (= stems of grain plants such as wheat, etc. that have been cut and dried). 这个习语源于人与稻草人(straw)的比较。
ˌman to ˈmanbetween two men who are treating each other honestly and equally (男人间)坦诚地,开诚布公地I’m telling you all this man to man.
a man-to-man talk
man’s best ˈfrienda way of describing a dog 人类最好的朋友(指狗)a ˈman’s mana man who is more popular with men than with women 更受男人欢迎的男人one man’s ˌmeat is another man’s ˈpoison (saying) used to say that different people like different things; what one person likes very much, another person does not like at all 同是一块肉,肥了张三,毒死李四;不同的人有不同的喜好I’m amazed that Tim enjoys cricket so much. Still, one man’s meat is another man’s poison, as they say.
to a ˈman (written) used to emphasize that sth is true of all the people being described (用于强调)一致,毫无例外To a man, they all agreed.
you can’t keep a good man ˈdown (saying) a person who is determined or wants sth very much will succeed 有志者,事竟成He failed his driving test twice, but passed on the third try — you can’t keep a good man down!
a ˌdirty old ˈman (informal, disapproving) an older man who thinks too much about sex 老色鬼Lots of dirty old men stood around looking at pornographic magazines.许多老色鬼站在那里看色情杂志。an ˌEnglishman’s ˌhome is his ˈcastle (BrE) (NAmE a ˌman’s ˌhome is his ˈcastle) (saying) a person’s home is a place where they can be private and safe and do as they like 英国人的家就是他的城堡(意即家是一个人的安全的私人领地)a man/woman of few ˈwordsa person who does not talk much 少言寡语的人Mr Robins was a man of few words, but his opinions were always respected.罗宾斯先生话不多,但他的意见总是得到人们的重视。a/the ˌgrand old ˈman (of sth)an old man who is very experienced and respected in a particular profession, etc. 元老;老前辈At eighty, he is the grand old man of the British film industry.八十高龄的他是英国电影业的元老。the ˌinner ˈman/ˈwoman1. your mind or soul 思想;灵魂Prayer and meditation are good for the inner man.祷告和冥想可以滋养心灵。2. (humorous) your appetite 胃口It’s time to do something for the inner man; let’s look for a restaurant.该是喂饱肚子的时候了,咱们找个餐馆吧。a ˈladies’ mana man who likes the company of women and is successful with them 喜欢厮混在女人中间的男子;讨女人喜欢的男子Jim had always been a bit of a ladies’ man, and he didn’t marry until he was 45.吉姆一直喜欢在脂粉堆里混,直到 45 岁才结婚。the ˈman/ˈwoman in your life (informal) the man or woman that you are having a sexual or romantic relationship with 闯进你生活中的男人/女人a marked ˈmana man who is in danger of being killed by his enemies 成为敌人攻击目标的人When they discovered he was a spy, he became a marked man.当他们识破他的间谍身份后,他的处境就变得十分危险了。a ˌnew ˈman (BrE) a man who shares the work in the home that is traditionally done by women, such as cleaning, cooking and taking care of children. New men are considered sensitive and not aggressive 家庭主夫;(分担家务和照看孩子的)新好男人He is comfortable with his ‘new man’ image, and has been known to leave the office early to go home and cook dinner for his family.他很安心做一个“新好男人”,办公室的人都知道他每天早早下班回家做饭。the odd man/one ˈouta person or thing that is different from others or does not fit easily into a group or set 与众不同的人(或物);不合群的人;异类That’s the problem with 13 people in a group. If you need to work in pairs, there’s always an odd one out.13 个人一组就有这个问题,如果要进行对子活动,总有一个人落单。Tom is nearly always the odd man out. He never wants to do what we want to do, or go where we want to go.汤姆总是跟大家合不来,我们想做的事他不愿意做,我们想去的地方他不愿意去。old ˈman (informal) a person’s husband or father 老公;老爸I go to see my old man every month. He’s 77 now, you know.我每个月都回家看望老爸,要知道,他今年 77 岁高龄了。Ask your old man if he can mend it.问问你家老爷子能不能把它修好。as ˈone ( as one ˈman) (formal) in agreement; all together 一致地;全体;同时We spoke as one on this matter.在这个问题上我们口径一致。As Victoria approached the finishing line, the crowd rose to their feet as one man, and cheered her on.维多利亚快到达终点的时候,人们不约而同站起来为她加油。a man/woman of (many) ˈpartsa person who can do many different things well 多才多艺的人;多面手My grandfather was a man of many parts: a talented musician, a good cook and not a bad painter.我的祖父多才多艺:他既是一个有才华的音乐家,又是技艺精湛的厨师,还是个不错的画家。be a/the ˌpoor man’s ˈsb/ˈsthbe a person or thing that is similar to but of a lower quality than a particular famous person or thing (比同类的名人)逊色的人;廉价的代用品Try some of this sparkling white wine — the poor man’s champagne.尝一下这种白葡萄汽酒吧,这是穷人的香槟酒。like a man/woman posˈsessedlike one posˈsessedwith a lot of force or energy 着了魔似地;拼命地;猛烈地He flew out of the room like a man possessed.他像着了魔似地猛然冲出房间。your ˌright-hand ˈman (informal) an assistant who you trust with everything 左右手;得力助手‘I’d like to introduce you to Peter Davies, my right-hand man. He’ll help you when I am away.’“我想向你介绍一下彼得 ∙ 戴维斯,我的得力助手,我不在时他会帮助你的。”be ˈtwice the man/woman (that sb is)be much better, stronger, healthier, etc. than sb or than before 比某人(或过去)好(或强、健康等)得多How dare you criticize him? He’s twice the man that you are!你怎么敢批评他呢?他可比你强多了!ˌwhite-ˈvan man (BrE, informal) used to refer to a man driving a white van in an aggressive way. Many companies use white delivery vans and their drivers are often considered stupid and rude 粗野的货车司机(很多公司使用白色送货车,而所雇司机常被认为愚蠢且粗鲁)Who enjoys driving to work with the constant traffic jams, roadworks and the impatient hooting of white-van man?有谁喜欢在开车上班时遇上塞车、道路施工,以及粗野的司机不耐烦地按喇叭?be a man/woman of his/her ˈwordbe a person who always does what he/she has promised to do 守信用;说话算数If he said he’d help you, he will — he’s a man of his word.如果他说过要帮你,他一定会做到。因为他是一个守信之人。a man/woman of the ˈworlda person with a lot of experience of life, who is not easily surprised or shocked 生活阅历丰富的人;老成持重的人




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