释义 |
doom /duːm/ ●ˌdoom and ˈgloom●ˌgloom and ˈdooma general feeling of having lost all hope and of pessimism (= expecting things to go badly) 悲观失望;前景暗淡;无望◆Despite the obvious setbacks, it’s not all doom and gloom for the England team. 尽管明显受挫,但对英格兰队来说并非前途无望。●a ˌprophet of ˈdoom●a ˈdoom merchanta person who always expects that things will go very badly 杞人忧天的人;末日预言者;悲观论者◆Various prophets of doom have suggested that standards in education are worse than ever.各种各样杞人忧天的人认为,教育水平比以往任何时候都低。 |