

词组 stick
释义 stick /stɪk/ SEE ALL
get/take ˈstick from sb (BrE, informal) be angrily told you are wrong or at fault; be blamed or criticized 受到某人严厉斥责;受到猛烈的批评The new member of the team took a lot of stick from the crowd. He played terribly.
The government has been getting a lot of stick from the press recently.
give sb ˈstick (BrE, informal) criticize sb 批评某人The crowd gave the players a lot of stick for their terrible performance.
ˌstick ’em ˈup! (spoken) used to tell sb to put their hands above their head when you are pointing a gun at them 举起手来This is a robbery! Stick ’em up!
stick ˈfastbe firmly fixed in a place and unable to move or be moved 粘住;牢牢固定动不得The boat was stuck fast in the mud.
stick in your ˈmind (of a memory, an idea, a picture, etc. 记忆、念头、画面等) be remembered for a long time because it made a strong impression on you 经久不忘;印在脑海里The image of the dead child’s face stuck in my mind for years.
That poem has always stuck in my mind.
stick in your ˈthroat/ˈcraw/ˈgullet (informal) if sth sticks in your throat, it is difficult or impossible to agree with or accept 无法同意;难以接受It really sticks in my throat that I get paid less than the others for doing the same job.
stick your ˈneck out (informal) do or say sth which other people are afraid to do, and as a result attract attention or trouble 出头;冒险;做(或说)别人不敢做的事(或说的话)Joe stuck his neck out at the meeting; he told the boss that the new sales policy wasn’t working.
stick to your ˈguns (informal) refuse to change your actions, opinions, etc. in spite of criticism 一意孤行;固执己见;坚持自己的立场If the government sticks to its guns we’ll get through this economic crisis.
a rod/stick to ˈbeat sb witha fact, an argument, etc. that is used in order to blame or punish sb (用以怪罪或惩罚某人的)事实依据,理由The results of the national exams this year are being used as another stick to beat teachers with.今年全国统考的成绩被用作老师的另一罪状。put/stick the ˈboot in (BrE, informal) 1. kick sb very hard, especially when they are on the ground 猛踢(尤指倒地的人)2. say or do sth cruel or unfair to sb, especially when they have already been harmed in some other way 落井下石She was upset about losing her job and then her sister started putting the boot in, telling her she was lazy.她丢了工作很心烦,这时她姐姐又在伤口上撒盐,说她太懒。the carrot and/or (the) stickrewards offered to sb to persuade them to do sth or try harder, and/or punishment threatened if they do not 胡萝卜加大棒;威逼利诱;软硬兼施She favoured a carrot-and-stick approach to teaching.她赞成在教学中奖惩并用。be (caught) in a cleft ˈstick (informal) be in a difficult situation when any action you take will have bad results 进退维谷;陷入困境I was in a cleft stick — my job was boring but I couldn’t move to another firm without losing my company pension.我进退两难:我的工作十分无聊,可是如果我跳槽到另一家公司,我的企业年金就没了。ˌdraw the short ˈstraw (BrE) (NAmE get the ˌshort end of the ˈstick) be the person in a group who is chosen or forced to do sth unpleasant that nobody wants to do 抽到倒霉签;被派做苦差事You’ve drawn the short straw, I’m afraid. You’re going to have to work on New Year’s Day.恐怕你抽到了下下签。元旦你得来上班。put/stick the ˈknife input/stick the ˈknife into sb (informal) criticize sb or deliberately try to harm them 批评;试图故意伤害The senator has quite a few enemies that would love to stick the knife in if they got the chance.这位参议员树敌不少,这些人一旦有机会就想加害于他。stand/stick out a ˈmile (informal) be easy to see or notice; be obvious 显而易见;非常显眼He’s not telling the truth — it stands out a mile.很明显,他在撒谎。It sticks out a mile that they’re having problems.显而易见,他们遇到问题了。ˌmud ˈsticks ( if you ˌthrow enough ˈmud, ˌsome of it will ˈstick) (saying) people remember and believe the bad things they hear about other people, even if they are shown to be false 污泥粘身洗不掉;背上罪名难洗脱Although he was proved innocent, mud sticks, and he found it very difficult to get a job afterwards.虽然他被证明无罪,但污名难除掉,他后来仍然很难找到工作。poke/stick your nose in/into sth (informal) interfere in the affairs or business of other people 多管闲事;探听(与己无关的事)She’s always sticking her nose into other people’s affairs. It’s really annoying.她总是多管闲事,真烦人。What happens in this department does not concern him. Why does he have to poke his nose into everything all the time?这个部门发生的事情与他无关,他干吗总要多管闲事?put/stick your ˈoar in (BrE, informal) interfere in the affairs of other people 多管闲事;横插一杠子This project is nothing to do with Dave. Why does he keep trying to stick his oar in all the time?这个计划与戴夫无关,他为什么总是想插一手呢?more … than you can shake a ˈstick at (informal) used to emphasize the large number of sth (用于强调数目很大)多极了,数不胜数This music magazine has more reviews than you can shake a stick at.这本音乐杂志的评论多得数不清。stand/stick out like a sore ˈthumb (informal) be very obvious or noticeable in an unpleasant way 显得别扭;扎眼He’s going to stick out like a sore thumb if he doesn’t wear a suit to the wedding.如果他参加婚礼不穿西服,那可太惹眼了。 OPP merge into the background tell sb where to ˈput/ˈstick sthtell sb what they can ˈdo with sth (informal) make it clear to sb that you are angry and are rejecting what they are offering you 让某人收起那一套;坚决拒绝某人的提议I was so furious I nearly told him where to stick his rotten job!我气得不行,差点就告诉他把那破工作留给他自己干吧!put/stick two ˈfingers up at sb (BrE, informal) form the shape of a V with the two fingers nearest your thumb and raise your hand in the air with the back part of it facing sb, done to be rude to them or to show them that you are angry 用手背向某人做出 V 形手势(以示侮辱或生某人的气)He must have been furious — he stuck two fingers up at them and walked out of the room.他肯定气坏了。他朝他们竖起两根手指,然后走出房间。get (hold of) the ˌwrong end of the ˈstick (BrE, informal) understand sb/sth in the wrong way 误会;弄错You’ve got the wrong end of the stick. He doesn’t owe me money, I owe him!你弄错了。不是他欠我钱,是我欠他钱! OPP get sth right/straight




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