释义 |
●(give sb) the ˌthird deˈgree (informal) question sb for a long time and in a thorough way; use threats or violence to get information from sb (对某人)逼供,疲劳讯问,刑讯◆The soldiers were given the third degree in order to make them reveal the information.为了得到情报,他们一直在拷问那些士兵。◆Why are you giving me the third degree?你干吗要打破砂锅问到底? ORIGIN This expression comes from Freemasonry (= a secret society). In order to reach the highest level of the organization and become a Third Degree Mason, members are interrogated. 这个表达法源于共济会制度:成员们必须通过盘问才能成为组织中最高级别的“三级会员”。 |