

词组 dog
释义 dog BrE /dɒg/
NAmE /dɔːg/
be like a dog with two ˈtailsbe extremely happy 非常高兴‘Is he pleased about his new job?’ ‘He’s like a dog with two tails!’
a ˌdog and ˈpony show (NAmE, informal) a complicated presentation, event or display that is designed to attract people’s attention but which has little real content 华而不实的展示会;装门面的活动They put on a dog and pony show in the hope of attracting new investors.
The protest was just a dog and pony show designed to bring in the media.
ˌdog eat ˈdog (informal) fierce competition, with no concern for the harm done or other people’s feelings 残酷无情的竞争;损人利己的角逐;相互残杀In the modern business world, it’s dog eat dog in the search for success.
dog sb’s ˈfootsteps (of a problem or bad luck 问题或坏运气) seem to follow sb everywhere 总是跟随某人Bad luck seems to have dogged our footsteps from the beginning.
a ˌdog in the ˈmangera person who selfishly stops other people from using or enjoying sth which he/she cannot use or enjoy 占马槽的狗;占着茅坑不拉屎的人 ˌdog-in-the-ˈmanger


a dog-in-the-manger attitude
ORIGIN This expression comes from Aesop’s fable about a dog which lay in a manger (= a long open box) filled with hay. In this way he stopped the other animals eating the hay, even though he could not eat it himself. 这个表达法源于《伊索寓言》。一条狗躺在装满了草的马槽里,自己不吃草,也不让其他牲畜吃。
the dog’s ˈbollocks (BrE, , slang) used to say that sth is excellent or very good 非常优秀(或出色)的东西This song is the dog’s bollocks.
a dog’s ˈbreakfast/ˈdinner (BrE, informal) a very untidy piece of work; a mess 乱七八糟;一团糟Don’t ask Julie to help you with the decorating — she made a complete dog’s breakfast of painting the kitchen!
a ˈdog’s life (informal) a life in which there is not much pleasure or freedom 穷困潦倒的日子;猪狗不如的生活It’s a dog’s life having to do two jobs in order to survive.
every dog has his/its ˈday (saying) (often used to encourage sb 常用于鼓励某人) everyone will, at some time in their life, be successful or lucky 人人皆有得意日They say every dog has its day, and mine is on Wednesday, when I will be interviewed for a television programme!
give a dog a bad ˈname (and ˈhang him) (saying) when a person already has a bad reputation, it is difficult to change it because others will continue to blame or suspect him/her 一朝犯错,终身受迫;名誉一毁,万难追回why keep a ˌdog and bark yourˈself? (informal, saying) if sb can do a task for you, there is no point in doing it yourself 既然有人代劳,何必自己操劳My mother always cleans the house before the cleaning lady comes, but why keep a dog and bark yourself?
not have a cat in ˈhell’s chance ( not have a ˈdog’s chance) (informal) have no chance at all 毫无机会You haven’t got a cat in hell’s chance of buying a decent car for that amount.那点钱根本就不可能买到一辆像样的车。 OPP a sporting chance fight like cat and ˈdog (informal) argue fiercely very often 经常激烈地争执They fight like cat and dog, but they are really very fond of each other.他们常常吵得鸡飞狗跳,但其实他们感情很好。the hair of the ˈdog (that ˈbit you) (informal) an alcoholic drink taken in the morning in order to help cure the unpleasant effects of drinking too much alcohol the night before (为解宿醉的)解醉酒‘Why are you drinking whisky at 8 o’clock in the morning?’ ‘Hair of the dog. I’ve got the most terrible hangover.’“你怎么早上 8 点喝威士忌?”“用来解宿醉,我喝酒后从来没有这么难受过。” ORIGIN In the past, if a person was bitten by a dog, burnt hair from the same dog was used as a protection against infection. 旧时被狗咬的人会用这只狗身上的毛烧焦后外敷来防止感染。there’s ˌlife in the old dog ˈyet (humorous) a person is old but is still active and enjoys life 人老心不老At 70 he’s decided to go round the world. There’s life in the old dog yet!70 岁时,他决定周游世界。真是人老心不老!I’m not too old to enjoy myself! There’s life in the old dog yet, you know.我现在还不太老,完全可以享受生活!你知道吗,我人虽老精力却仍旺盛。(as) sick as a ˈdog (informal) feeling very ill; vomiting a lot 病得很重;呕吐得厉害I was sick as a dog last night.昨晚我病得很厉害。the tail (is) wagging the ˈdog ( let the tail wag the ˈdog) used to describe a situation where a small, unimportant thing controls a larger, more important thing 本末倒置;喧宾夺主In this company the workers tell the manager what he can and cannot do. It’s a real case of the tail wagging the dog.这家公司里是雇员规定经理的职权范围,真是上下颠倒。(you can’t) teach an old dog new ˈtricks (saying) (you can’t) make old people change their ideas or ways of working, etc. (无法)改变老人的想法(或积习等);老狗玩不了新把戏My grandmother doesn’t want a computer. She says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.我奶奶不想要计算机,她说人老不学艺。ˌtop ˈdog (informal) a person, group or country that is better or more powerful than all the others 有权有势的人(或团体、国家等);巨头He’s top dog in television drama now.他是目前电视剧领域的老大。like a whipped ˈdogashamed, embarrassed or unhappy because you have been defeated or punished (因失败或被惩罚而)显得羞愧(或尴尬、不开心)I hate it but when I get angry with him, he just looks at you like a whipped dog.我讨厌这种事,但我每次发火时,他真的就像一条挨了鞭子的狗一样尴尬地看着我。ˌwork like a ˈdog/ˈslave/ˈTrojan (informal) work very hard 埋头苦干;拼命干She worked like a slave to pass her exams.为了通过考试,她真玩了命。 OPP not do a stroke (of work)




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