

词组 heads
释义 heads /hedz/ SEE ALL
bang/knock your/their ˈheads together (informal) force people to stop arguing and behave in a sensible way 迫使人们停止争吵I’d like to bang those stupid politicians’ heads together.
heads or ˈtails? (spoken) used to ask sb which side of a coin they think will be facing upwards after it has been thrown in the air in order to decide sth by chance (在掷硬币作决定时问)正面还是反面‘Let’s toss for it. Heads or tails?’ ‘Heads.’ ‘Heads it is. You win.’
ˌheads will ˈroll (for sth) (spoken, usually humorous) used to say that some people will be punished because of sth that has happened 有些人将(为某事)受到惩罚Have you seen this article about police corruption? Heads will roll, I’m sure.
When the spy scandal was exposed, many said that heads should roll in the government.
ORIGIN This comes from the idea that when people were punished by having their heads cut off, the heads rolled along the ground. 这个习语源于一种说法,即人被斩首后,头会在地上滚动。
put your, their, etc. ˈheads together (informal) think about or discuss sth as a group 集体思考(或讨论);集思广益If we all put our heads together, we might find a way to solve the problem.
two heads are better than ˈone (saying) two people who are trying to solve a problem together achieve more than one person who works alone 人多力量大;两个人的智慧总比一个人强




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