

词组 act/play the fool
释义 act/play the ˈfoolbehave in a stupid way to make people laugh, especially in a way that may also annoy them 装傻,扮小丑(逗人发笑或惹人烦)It’s impossible to have a decent game of tennis with Frank — he acts the fool the whole time.根本没法和弗兰克好好打一场网球,他总是没个正经。If you played the fool in class a little less and worked a bit harder, you could do quite well.如果你在课堂上少出点洋相,多用点功,你会学得很好。 NOTE In the past, a fool was a man employed by a king or queen to entertain people by telling jokes, singing songs, etc. 过去,国王或王后豢养弄臣(fool),他们插科打诨,吹拉弹唱,供人娱乐。




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