breaks /breɪks/●all ˈhell breaks/is let loose (informal) there is suddenly an angry, noisy reaction to sth; suddenly everything becomes confused, noisy, etc.突然喧闹起来;顿时乱作一团◆When soldiers fired shots into the crowd, all hell broke loose.士兵向人群开枪,顿时引起一片混乱。◆All hell broke loose when they heard that their pay had been cut.当他们得知薪水被减时,顿时炸开了锅。●be the last/final ˈstraw ( be the ˌstraw that breaks the camel’s ˈback) be the last in a series of bad events, etc. that makes it impossible for you to accept a situation any longer是压垮骆驼脊梁的最后一根稻草;是(一系列遭遇中)最终使人不堪忍受的事◆I’ve had a terrible day, and this traffic is the last straw, I can’t take any more.我这一天已经够倒霉了,这样堵车更是雪上加霜,我受不了了。