

词组 misery
释义 misery /ˈmɪzəri/ SEE ALL
(a) ˈmisery guts (informal) a way to describe sb who is never happy or who complains a lot 牢骚鬼;老不痛快的人What’s the matter with you, misery guts?
He used to be good fun, but he seems to be turning into an old misery guts.
put sb/sth out of their/its ˈmisery1. (informal) stop sb worrying by telling them sth that they are anxious to know (告知情况以)消除某人的忧虑You can’t keep telling him to wait for your answer. Put him out of his misery and tell him now.
OPP prolong the agony
2. kill an animal which is badly injured or very ill in order to end its suffering 把动物杀死(以结束其痛苦)I can’t let a horse go on suffering such terrible pain. Can you put it out of its misery, please.
make sb’s life a ˈmiserymake sb’s life very unpleasant or difficult 使某人的生活痛苦(或艰难);折磨某人Ever since he joined the company he’s made my life a misery.自从他来到公司,我的生活便变得苦不堪言。Her arthritis makes her life a misery; she’s in constant pain.关节炎使她痛苦不堪,疼痛持续不断地折磨着她。




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