

词组 weather
释义 weather /ˈweðə(r)/ SEE ALL
keep a ˈweather eye on sth/open for sthwatch sth very carefully for signs of change so that you will be prepared for a problem, difficulty, etc. 随时留意;小心提防It’s an ambassador’s job to keep a weather eye open for any important political changes.
under the ˈweather (informal) slightly ill, sick or depressed; not as well/cheerful as usual 略有不适;不大舒服;情绪欠佳She was off work for two weeks and she still seems a bit under the weather.
ˌbrass ˈmonkeysˌbrass ˈmonkey weather (BrE, slang) if you say that it is brass monkeys or brass monkey weather, you mean that it is very cold weather 天气极冷;天寒地冻Wear a hat — it’s brass monkeys out there!戴上帽子吧,外面天寒地冻的! ORIGIN The full expression is ‘cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey’, although this is not often used. It may refer to a brass rack called a monkey which was used to store cannonballs. When it was very cold, the brass contracted (= got smaller) and the balls fell off. 这个表达法的完整形式是 cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey,但不常用。monkey 指一种黄铜架,用于贮存炮弹,天气特别冷的时候,黄铜收缩,炮弹就会掉下来。make heavy ˈweather of sth/of doing sthmake sth seem more difficult than it really is 把事情弄复杂;小题大做You’re making very heavy weather of repairing that bike. What’s the problem?修这自行车没这么难吧,你在小题大做。哪儿坏了? OPP make light work of sth ride out/weather the ˈstorm (of sth)manage to survive a difficult period or situation 战胜风浪;平安渡过难关The government has managed to ride out the recent storm.政府成功地渡过了最近的难关。Many companies are having difficulty weathering the present economic storm.许多公司难以经受当前的经济风暴。




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