

词组 wash
释义 wash BrE /wɒʃ/
NAmE /wɑːʃ, wɔːʃ/
it will (all) come out in the ˈwash (spoken) 1. used to say that the truth about a situation will be made known at some time in the future 真相大白;水落石出You can’t hide what you’ve done for ever. It’ll come out in the wash, you know.
2. used to make sb less anxious by telling them that any problems or difficulties will be solved in the future (问题)终会解决;(困难)终会被克服‘Some of the documents still haven’t arrived!’ ‘Don’t worry, there’s probably been a slight mix-up — it’ll all come out in the wash.’
wash your dirty linen in ˈpublic (BrE, disapproving) talk or write about unpleasant or embarrassing private difficulties in public 公开谈论个人私事;(尤指)家丑外扬Nobody must mention these problems at the meeting. I don’t want our dirty linen washed in public.
NOTE In this idiom, linen refers to clothes, especially underwear. 这个习语中的linen指衣服,尤指内衣。
wash your ˈhands of sb/sthrefuse to deal with or be responsible for sb/sth any longer 不再过问;脱离关系;洗手不干After the way she’s behaved, I’m never going to help her again! I wash my hands of her!
I can’t just wash my hands of the whole business. I’ve got responsibilities.
ORIGIN This idiom refers to Pontius Pilate in the Bible, who refused to take a decision about what should happen to Jesus. 这个习语原指《圣经》中的彼拉多,在如何处置耶稣这个问题上,他拒绝作决定。
sth won’t/doesn’t ˈwash (with sb)used to say that sb’s explanation, excuse, etc. is not valid or that you/sb else will not accept it (解释、借口等)在某人看来站不住脚,令某人不能接受That excuse simply won’t wash with me.




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