

词组 hands
释义 hands /hændz/ SEE ALL
all ˌhands on ˈdeck ( all ˌhands to the ˈpump) (saying, humorous) everyone helps or must help, especially in an emergency (尤指紧急状况下)同舟共济,齐心协力There are 10 staff off sick this week, so it’s all hands on deck.
本周有 10 名员工病倒了,所以大家得齐心协力。
When the kitchen staff became ill, it was all hands to the pump and even the manager did some cooking.
NOTE On a ship, a hand is a sailor. 在船上,hand 指水手。
at the hands of sbat sb’s ˈhands (written) if you experience sth at the hands of sb, they are the cause of it 由某人导致;出自某人之手So far hundreds of innocent civilians have died at the hands of the terrorists.
be good with your ˈhandsbe skilful at making or doing things with your hands 手巧I’m not surprised he’s become an artist — he always was good with his hands.
fall into sb’s ˈhands/the ˈhands of sbbe taken, captured or obtained by sb 落入某人的手里;被某人掌握The city has fallen into enemy hands.
These documents must not fall into the hands of the wrong people.
get your ˈhands dirtydo physical work 做体力活He’s not frightened of getting his hands dirty.
get/lay your ˈhands on sb (used mostly in threats 主要用于威胁) catch sb who has done sth wrong 抓住(做坏事的人)Just wait until I get my hands on the person who stole my bike!
get/lay your ˈhands on sthobtain sth that you want or need very much 把…弄到手;得到(非常想要的东西)Do you know where I can get my hands on a Russian dictionary? I need to check a translation.
I’d buy a new car if only I could lay my hands on the money.
(get/keep/take your) ˌhands ˈoff (sb/sth) (spoken) used to tell sb not to touch sb/sth 不许碰Those cakes are for tea, so hands off!
Keep your hands off my tools, please.
ˌhands ˈup! (spoken) 1. used to tell a group of people to raise one hand in the air if they know the answer to a question, etc. 举手(回答等)Hands up all those who want to go swimming.
2. used by sb who is threatening people with a gun to tell them to raise both hands in the air (用于持枪威胁他人投降)举起手来
have your ˈhands fullbe very busy 非常忙碌I’ve got my hands full looking after four children.
You look as if you’ve got your hands full today. Would you like me to help you?
OPP have time on your hands
in the hands of sbin sb’s ˈhandsin the control of sb or sb’s responsibility 由某人控制(或负责)I’ll leave the matter in your hands.
The future of the industry now lies in the hands of the government.
in safe/good ˈhandsbeing taken care of by a responsible person or organization, and unlikely to be harmed or damaged 由可信的人(或机构)照料;受到很好的照顾When the child is with my mother, I know she’s in good hands.
It’s a good hospital. I’m sure he’s in safe hands.
many hands make light ˈwork (saying) a task is done easily if a lot of people share the work 人多好办事;众人拾柴火焰高off sb’s ˈhandsno longer the responsibility of sb 不再由某人负责Now that the children are off my hands, I’ve got more time for other things.
on sb’s ˈhands1. (of work, etc. 工作等) to do 待处理;待办I’ve got a lot of work on my hands at the moment.
2. that sb is responsible for 由某人负责I’ve got the neighbour’s children on my hands this afternoon.
on your ˌhands and ˈkneeswith your knees, toes and hands on the ground 趴在地上;匍匐The tunnel was so low in places that we had to crawl along on our hands and knees.
She was down on her hands and knees looking for her earring.
ˌout of sb’s ˈhandsno longer in the control of or the responsibility of sb 不再由某人控制(或负责)I’m afraid the matter is now out of my hands. You’ll have to write to the Area Manager.
ˌplay (right) into sb’s ˈhandsdo exactly what an enemy, opponent, etc. wants so that they gain the advantage in a particular situation 自投罗网;正中某人下怀The thieves played right into the hands of the law by trying to sell stolen property to a police informer.
take sth/sb off sb’s ˈhandstake sth away from sb who no longer wants it or take a responsibility from sb who needs a rest 拿走(某人不想要的东西);替(需要休息的人)担当职责I wish somebody would take this old table off my hands. I haven’t got room for it.
Look, you and Tony relax at the weekend, and I’ll take the children off your hands for a couple of days.
throw up your hands/arms in deˈspair, ˈhorror, etc. (often humorous) show that you disagree strongly with sth, or are very worried about sth (因绝望或害怕等)强烈反对,非常担忧When she said she wanted to get a motorbike, her parents threw up their hands in horror.
win (sth)/beat sb ˌhands ˈdownwin (sth)/beat sb very easily 轻易取胜Holland won the match hands down. The score was five nil.
荷兰队赢得易如反掌,比分是 5: 0。
with your bare ˈhandswith your hands only, without any tools or weapons 赤手空拳;徒手He said he’d killed a crocodile with his bare hands!他说他赤手空拳杀死了一条鳄鱼!have (sb’s) ˈblood on your handsbe responsible for sb’s death 对某人的死亡罪责难逃He’s a tyrant with the blood of millions of innocent people on his hands.他是一个暴君,双手沾满了千百万无辜者的鲜血。change ˈhandspass to a different owner 换主人;易主;转手The house has changed hands several times.这房子已几易其主。have clean ˈhandsyour hands are ˈcleannot be responsible for crime, dishonesty, etc. 无罪;清白;正派After years of corrupt government, we want politicians with clean hands.政府腐败已有多年,我们需要清白正派的政治家。take your ˌcourage in both ˈhandsdecide to do sth very brave 鼓起勇气;敢作敢为I saw him screaming for help far out from the shore, so I took my courage in both hands and swam out to save him.我看见他在远离岸边的水里大呼救命,于是鼓起勇气游过去救他。the devil makes work for idle ˈhands (saying) people who do not have enough to do often start to do wrong 游手好闲生是非She blamed the crimes on the local jobless teenagers. ‘The devil makes work for idle hands,’ she would say.她把这些犯罪归咎于当地无业小青年。她总是说:“游手好闲者,惹是生非人”。join ˈhands (with sb)1. if two people join hands, they hold each other’s hands (与某人)握手,拉起手2. work together in doing sth 共同做某事;合作;联合Education has been reluctant to join hands with business.教育界一向不肯与企业界联手。take the law into your own ˈhandstake action personally against sb who has broken the law or done sth wrong, instead of calling the police 不通过法律擅自处理;私自治罪I knew who had stolen my car, so I took the law into my own hands. I went to his house and beat him up. The police arrested both of us!我知道是谁偷了我的车,于是决定自己解决这个问题。我到他家去,痛打了他一顿,结果警方把我俩都拘留了!take your ˌlife in your ˈhandsrisk being killed, injured, attacked, etc. 冒生命危险;豁出性命;把脑袋别在裤腰带上You take your life in your hands if you let him drive.你要是让他开车,就是在拿自己的生命开玩笑。The reason that his photos are so good is because he takes his life in his hands to get them.他的照片很出色,原因在于他是冒着生命危险去拍摄的。take matters into your own ˈhandsdo sth yourself, because you are tired of waiting for sb else to do it (不想等他人来做而)自己动手,自己解决The police were doing nothing about finding my car, so I decided to take matters into my own hands and look for it myself.警方根本没有寻找我丢失的汽车,我决定自己去找。a pair of ˈhands (informal) a person who can do, or is doing, a job 能做事的人;人手We need an extra pair of hands if we’re going to finish on time.要想按时完成任务,我们就要再加一个人。Colleagues regarded him as a safe pair of hands (= sb who can be relied on to do a job well).同事们认为把事交给他做很放心。I’ve only got one pair of ˈhands (spoken) used to say that you are too busy to do anything else 我只有一双手(实在忙不过来)Give me a chance! I’ve only got one pair of hands you know!别太着急!你知道我只有一双手!(like) putty in sb’s ˈhands (informal) willing to do anything sb wants or tells you to do 对…百依百顺;受某人摆布As soon as she starts crying, I’m putty in her hands.只要她一哭,我就对她百依百顺。 OPP (as) stubborn as a mule NOTE Putty is a soft flexible substance used for fixing glass in windows. * putty (油灰)是安装窗玻璃时用的一种柔软材料。 shake ˈhands (with sb)shake sb’s ˈhandshake sb by the ˈhandtake hold of sb’s hand and move it up and down as a greeting or to show that you agree about sth (与某人)握手The television pictures of the two presidents shaking hands were shown all over the world.两位总统握手的电视画面传遍世界各地。a show of ˈhandsa method of voting in which each person shows their opinion by raising their hand 举手表决If you like, we can settle this debate with a show of hands.如果你们愿意,我们可以通过举手表决平息这场争论。tie sb’s ˈhands (often used in the passive 常用于被动语态) stop sb doing sth, by taking away their power or freedom 使某人受束缚;撤消某人的权力(或自由)Employers now have the right to dismiss workers who go on strike and this has tied the unions’ hands considerably.现在雇主有权解雇罢工的工人,这使得工会大受束缚。I’m afraid my hands are tied. I can’t allow anyone to bring visitors into the club. It’s against the rules.恐怕我权力有限,不能让人带访客进俱乐部,这是违反规定的。 OPP get, have, etc. a free hand have ˈtime on your hands (informal) have more free time than you want or need 很空闲;手头有太多的空余时间Now the children have left home, she’s got a lot more time on her hands.现在孩子们都离开家了,她多出了许多空闲时间。 OPP have your hands full wash your ˈhands of sb/sthrefuse to deal with or be responsible for sb/sth any longer 不再过问;脱离关系;洗手不干After the way she’s behaved, I’m never going to help her again! I wash my hands of her!她居然有那种表现,我再也不会帮助她了!我和她脱离关系!I can’t just wash my hands of the whole business. I’ve got responsibilities.整个这桩子事我不能说不干就不干,我担着责任呢。 ORIGIN This idiom refers to Pontius Pilate in the Bible, who refused to take a decision about what should happen to Jesus. 这个习语原指《圣经》中的彼拉多,在如何处置耶稣这个问题上,他拒绝作决定。ˌwring your ˈhandstwist and rub your hands together because you are very worried, upset or anxious (尤指因焦急或烦恼)绞扭双手He stood there, wringing his hands in despair.他站在那里,绝望地搓着双手。It’s no use just wringing our hands — we must do something.光发愁无济于事,我们必须采取行动。 ˈhand-wringing


No amount of hand-wringing can change the situation.再怎么着急也改变不了局面。




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