

词组 wait
释义 wait /weɪt/ SEE ALL
I, he, etc. can’t ˈwaitI, he, etc. can hardly ˈwaitused when you are emphasizing that sb is very excited about sth or keen to do it (我、他等)迫不及待The children can’t wait for Christmas to come.
I can hardly wait to see him again.
ˌwait and ˈseebe patient and wait to find out about sth later 耐心等待;等着瞧‘Where are you taking me?’ ‘Wait and see.’
There’s nothing we can do at the moment. We’ll just have to wait and see.
ˈwait for it (spoken, especially BrE) 1. wait until you receive the order or signal to do sth 等候通知Are you all ready? Wait for it! Now!
2. used for telling sb that you are about to say sth amusing or surprising (用于说出高兴或令人吃惊的事情)听着,听好了‘What did you have?’ ‘We had roast duck and — wait for it — caviar!’
wait a ˈminute/ˈmoment/ˈsecond1. wait for a short time 等一会儿;稍等一下Can you wait a second while I make a call?
2. used when you have just noticed or remembered sth, or had a sudden idea (表示刚注意到、刚想起某事或突然有了主意)且慢,等一等Wait a minute — this isn’t the right key.
wait on sb ˌhand and ˈfoot (disapproving) do almost everything for sb, for example cook meals, bring everything they ask for, etc. 殷勤地侍候某人;让某人饭来张口衣来伸手My father expects my mother to wait on him hand and foot.
wait (on) ˈtables (NAmE) work serving food to people in a restaurant (在餐馆)端盘子,招待顾客I wait on tables at a restaurant near my apartment.
She worked her way through college waiting tables.
ˈwait till/until… (spoken) used to show that you are very excited about telling or showing sth to sb (用于兴奋地告诉某人或向某人展示)等到(某个时候)吧Wait till you see what I’ve found!
(just) you ˈwaitused to emphasize a threat, warning or promise (用于加强威胁、警告或允诺的语气)你就等着瞧吧Just you wait till your father gets home!
I’ll be famous one day, just you wait!
let the ˈdust settle ( wait for the ˈdust to settle) wait for a situation to become clear or certain 待尘埃落定;等局势明朗Let’s not make any decisions now — we’ll wait for the dust to settle and then decide what to do.我们现在先不要作任何决定,等到尘埃落定,再决定下一步该怎样做。lie in ˈwaithide and wait for sb so that you can attack them 暗中守候,伺机攻击;埋伏以待The police think the murderer must have been lying in wait for his victim.警方认为,杀人犯必定是潜伏在某处伺机攻击受害者。




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