

词组 guy
释义 guy /gaɪ/ SEE ALLa ˈtough guy (informal) a strong, independent-minded person who seems to be afraid of nothing 硬汉(指顽强、独立、无所畏惧的人)The most famous ‘tough guy’ in American movies was John Wayne.美国电影里最赫赫有名的“硬汉”要数约翰 ∙ 韦恩了。a ˈwise guy (informal, disapproving, especially NAmE) a man who speaks or behaves as if he knows much more than other people 自以为什么都懂的人;自以为是的人OK, wise guy, what do you think we should do then?好吧,大能人,你说我们下一步该怎么做?




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