

词组 light
释义 light /laɪt/ SEE ALL
be in sb’s ˈlightbe between sb and a source of light 挡住某人的光线Could you move, please? You’re in my light.
be light on sthnot have enough of sth 不足;缺乏We seem to be light on fuel.
be/go out like a ˈlight (informal) fall asleep very quickly or suddenly lose consciousness 很快入睡;突然失去意识She went out like a light after an exhausting day at work.
One minute she was talking and laughing and the next minute she was out like a light. It was very frightening.
bring sth to ˈlightshow information, evidence, etc. 披露;揭示;揭发;让…见见阳光The police investigation brought to light evidence of more than one crime.
These documents have brought new information to light about Shakespeare’s early life.
cast/shed/throw (new) ˈlight on sthmake a problem, etc. easier to understand 阐明;使人了解This book sheds new light on the role of the CIA.
‘Can you throw any light on the matter?’
come to ˈlightbecome known; be revealed 为人所知;暴露It recently came to light that he’d been in trouble with the police before.
in a ˌgood, ˌbad, ˌfavourable, etc. ˈlightif you see sth or put sth in a good, bad, etc. light, it seems good, bad, etc. 从好(或坏、有利等)的角度看You must not view what happened in a negative light.
They want to present their policies in the best possible light.
in the ˈlight of sth (BrE) (NAmE in ˈlight of sth) after considering sth 考虑到;鉴于In the light of what you have just told me, I am prepared to increase your loan to £5 000.
考虑到你刚刚告诉我的情况,我准备把贷给你的款项增加至 5 000 英镑。
(as) light as ˈair/a ˈfeatherweighing very little; very light 像空气/羽毛一样轻;很轻I love this jacket — it’s really warm but it’s as light as a feather.
Her sponge cakes are as light as air.
OPP weigh (half) a ton
(see the) ˌlight at the end of the ˈtunnel(see) the possibility of success, happiness, etc. in the future, especially after a long period of difficulty (看到)隧道尽头的亮光;艰苦奋斗后的成功(或幸福等);曙光在望Business has been bad recently, but I think we’re beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel.
(the) light ˈdawned (on sb)somebody suddenly understood or began to understand sth 豁然开朗;恍然大悟I puzzled over the problem for ages before the light suddenly dawned on me.
(see) the light of ˈdaybe thought of or discovered by sb, or become known to a lot of people at a particular time 被考虑;被发现;问世;开始为公众所知It was then that the idea of a European parliament first saw the light of day.
the light of sb’s ˈlifethe person sb loves more than any other 心爱的人;心肝宝贝Elizabeth was his only child, the light of his life.
a light ˈtouchthe ability to deal with sth in a delicate and relaxed way 灵活巧妙的处事能力She handles this difficult subject with a light touch.
OPP heavy hand
make ˈlight of sthtreat sth or behave as if sth is less serious, important etc. than it really is 轻视;对…等闲视之;不把…当回事She was in great pain but she always made light of it.
They made light of their difficulties but it was obvious that things were going badly.
make light ˈwork of sth (informal) do sth very easily; defeat sb very easily 轻而易举地做某事;轻松击败某人She made light work of that translation.
They made light work of their match against Lazio and won the championship.
OPP make heavy weather of (doing) sth
see the ˈlight1. understand or accept sth after you have spent a lot of time thinking about it (经过长时间思考后)明白过来,恍然大悟;顿悟I think he’s finally seen the light and is going to retire while he’s still able to enjoy himself.
2. change what you believe as a result of a religious experience (因某种宗教经历而)改变信仰She was an atheist but now she says she’s seen the light.
set ˈlight to sth (especially BrE) make sth start burning 点着;使…烧着A spark from the fire had set light to a rug.
with a light ˈheartwith a feeling of happiness or relief 愉快地;欣然She left the doctor’s with a light heart. There was nothing wrong with her after all.
OPP with a heavy/sinking heart ˌlight-ˈhearted


1. (of a person ) cheerful and happy 愉快的;高兴的2. (of a situation, etc. 情形等) amusing, not serious 好玩的;不严肃的The programme takes a light-hearted look at the tourist industry.
in the ˌcold light of ˈdaywhen you have had time to think calmly about sth; in the morning when things are clearer 有时间冷静思考时;第二天早晨事情更明朗时In the cold light of day, the plans they’d made didn’t seem such a good idea.等冷静下来一想,他们的计划似乎不是个好主意。give sb/get the ˌgreen ˈlight (informal) allow sb/be allowed to begin sth 给某人开绿灯;得到许可(做某事)The council has given the green light for work to begin on the new shopping centre.政务委员会已经批准开工修建新的购物中心。As soon as we get the green light, we’ll start advertising for new staff.一旦得到许可,我们就将开始打广告招募新员工。 NOTE This expression refers to the green light on traffic lights, which means ‘go’. 这个表达法原指交通灯变绿即可通行。 many hands make light ˈwork (saying) a task is done easily if a lot of people share the work 人多好办事;众人拾柴火焰高hide your ˌlight under a ˈbushel (BrE) not let people know that you are good at sth 不显露才能;不露锋芒We didn’t know you could play the guitar! You’ve been hiding your light under a bushel all this time!我们不知道你会弹吉他,你一直深藏不露啊! ORIGIN This phrase comes from the Bible. 这个短语源于《圣经》。a ˌleading ˈlight (in/of sth)an important and respected member of a group, an organization, a profession, etc. 有影响的人物;头面人物Mr Harris is a leading light in the local business community.哈里斯先生是当地商界大佬。be a shining eˈxample (of sb/sth) ( be a shining ˈlight) be a very good example of sb/sth, which other people can follow or copy 是(…的)优秀榜样;是楷模Their friends think Phillip and Joan are a shining example of a happily married couple.朋友们都认为菲利普和琼是美满夫妻的典范。His books on grammar are a shining light in a very difficult and confused field.这一领域极其艰深且扑朔迷离,他的几本语法书犹如明灯,使研究的路子明朗了。be all ˌsweetness and ˈlight1. (of a person ) be pleasant, friendly and polite 和蔼可亲;亲切友善She’s all sweetness and light as long as you’re doing what she wants.只要你顺着她的意愿,她又亲切又和善。2. (of a situation 情况) be enjoyable and easy to deal with 良好;顺利Their quarrel seems to be over. Everything’s all sweetness and light at the moment.他们的争吵似乎结束了,眼下一切都风平浪静了。travel ˈlighttravel with very little luggage 轻装旅行We’re travelling light with one small bag each.我们轻装上路,每人只带一个小包。




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