

词组 pit
释义 pit /pɪt/ SEE ALL
make a ˈpit stop (informal, especially NAmE) stop for a short time during a long journey by road for a rest, meal, etc. (长途旅行时为休息、用餐等)小憩一下,歇脚I’m getting a bit hungry. Shall we make a pit stop at the next service station?
NOTE In motor racing, a pit stop is an occasion when a car stops during a race for more fuel, etc. * pit stop 原指赛车时汽车中途停下加油等。
the pit of your/the ˈstomachthe bottom of the stomach where people say they feel strong feelings, especially fear 心窝;心底He had a sudden sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.
ˌpit your ˈwits (against sb/sth)compete with sb/sth in a test of intelligence or knowledge (与…)斗智He’s pitting his wits against the computer chess game.
a bottomless ˈpit (of sth)a thing or situation which seems to have no limits or seems never to end 无尽的事物;无休止的状况;无底洞There isn’t a bottomless pit of money for public spending.并非有用之不尽的钱用于公共开支。the bottomless pit of his sorrow他无尽的悲哀




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