

词组 touch
释义 touch /tʌtʃ/ SEE ALL
be, etc. in/out of ˈtouch (with sth)have/not have recent knowledge or news of sth, and so fully/not fully understand it 熟悉/不熟悉(或了解/不了解)(某事)I try to keep in touch with what’s happening by reading the newspapers.
Our politicians are old and out of touch (= unaware of people’s real feelings).
be, keep, etc. in ˈtouch (with sb)communicate with sb regularly (与…)有(或保持等)联系We are in touch with our central office every day.
I’ve stayed in touch with some of my university friends.
be out of ˈtouch (with sb)no longer communicate with sb, so that you no longer know what is happening to them (和某人)失去联系;不再了解(某人的)情况Now my husband and I are divorced, people assume we’re out of touch, but we’re not. We see each other quite regularly.
get in ˈtouch with sb/sthmake contact with sb/sth (by phone, letter, visit, etc.) 跟…取得联系Here’s my phone number in case you need to get in touch with me.
have, etc. a ˌtouch of ˈclasshave, etc. quality, in design, character, etc. 有气质;气派;显档次His clothes are old and unfashionable, but nevertheless he has a real touch of class.
lose ˈtouch/ˈcontact (with sb/sth)not write/speak to sb or not hear/read about sb/sth as you did in the past (与…)失去联系She lost touch with most of her old friends when she moved to London.
lose your ˈtouchlose the skill or ability to do sth which you used to do very well 丢掉了平日的技艺(或能力)I don’t know what’s happened to her playing. She seems to have lost her touch.
He’s not as good a salesman as he used to be. He’s losing his touch.
not touch sb/sth with a ˈbargepole (BrE) (NAmE not touch sb/sth with a ten-foot ˈpole) (informal) refuse to get involved with sb/sth or in a particular situation 不想跟…有关系;不愿跟…来往I don’t know why she’s marrying that man. I wouldn’t touch him with a bargepole.
I wouldn’t touch the job with a ten-foot pole.
NOTE A barge is a large boat with a flat bottom which is sometimes moved using a very long pole. * barge (驳船)是一种大型平底船,可用撑杆推动。
put sb in ˈtouch with sb/stharrange for sb to contact, meet, etc. a person or an organization that you already know 安排某人跟…联系(或碰面等)He put me in touch with the British Council in Paris.
a soft/an easy ˈtouch (informal) a kind and perhaps easily deceived person whom people ask for money, help, etc. 心软的人;有求必应的人;容易上当的人Ask Tony to lend you some money. He’s a soft touch.
OPP a tough customer/cookie ORIGIN Touch was a slang term used by criminals to refer to the act of stealing something from someone, particularly from a pocket. A soft or easy touch was someone that it was easy to steal from. * touch 是罪犯使用的一个俚语,意为“偷窃”或“扒窃”。soft (或 easy) touch 指容易遭窃的人。
touch ˈbase (with sb) (informal) make contact with sb again 再度(跟某人)联系She travels to Boston every week to touch base with her office.
I spent an hour or two sending emails and touching base with my friends.
touch ˈbottom1. reach the ground at the bottom of an area of water 触及水底2. (BrE) reach the worst possible state or condition 到最糟糕的地步;到最低点Her career really touched bottom with that movie.
touch ˈwood (BrE) (NAmE knock on ˈwood) (saying) used for expressing the hope that your good luck will continue 碰碰木头以求神保佑;希望还走好运We haven’t had a serious accident yet, touch wood.
NOTE This refers to the custom of touching something made of wood to prevent bad luck. People still often try to touch something made of wood when they say this. 这个习语原指触碰木质物体以防厄运的习俗。现在人们在说这个习语时仍旧会触碰木质物体。
strike/touch a ˈchord (with sb)say or do sth which speaks directly to sb’s emotions or memories 触动心弦;引起同情(或共鸣)His war poetry struck a chord with people who remembered that period.他的战争诗歌引起了对那个时期存有记忆的人的共鸣。the ˌcommon ˈtouchthe ability of a powerful or famous person to talk to and understand ordinary people (有权势者或名人的)平易近人的品质,亲民作风Despite being one of the richest and most famous women in the world, she never lost the common touch.她是世界上最富有、最有名气的女人之一,但她一直不失平易近人的风范。the finishing ˈtouch(es)the final details that make sth complete 最后的修饰;最后的润色We’ve been putting the finishing touches to the party decorations.我们在给派对的装饰作最后的布置。touch/tug your ˈforelock (disapproving) show too much respect for a person of a higher rank or status (对上级或地位比自己高的人)毕恭毕敬,卑躬屈膝This is a democratic country and we don’t want people tugging their forelocks.这是个民主国家,我们可不想让人卑躬屈膝的。 ORIGIN In the past, people either took off their hats or pulled on their forelocks (= the hair above the forehead) to show respect. 旧时,人们常摘下帽子或拉扯额发(forelock)来对他人表示尊敬。not harm/touch a hair of sb’s ˈheadnot hurt sb physically in any way at all 不动某人一根头发;丝毫不伤害某人If he harms a hair of my daughter’s head, I’ll kill him.他要是敢碰我女儿一根毫毛,我就宰了他!kick sth into the long ˈgrasskick sth into ˈtouch (both BrE) reject, remove or stop dealing with a problem 拒绝考虑;不再处理He tends to deal with disputes by kicking them into the long grass.他处理纠纷的办法就是置之不理。 NOTE In rugby and football, if a ball is kicked into touch (= the area outside the lines that mark the sides of the playing field), play stops. 在橄榄球和足球运动中,球若被扔到或踢到边线以外的区域(touch),比赛就中止。 a light ˈtouchthe ability to deal with sth in a delicate and relaxed way 灵活巧妙的处事能力She handles this difficult subject with a light touch.她处理起这种难题来得心应手。 OPP heavy hand (have) a/the magic ˈtouch(have) a special ability that means you do sth very well (具有)特殊的能力She seems to have a magic touch with the children and they do everything she asks.她和孩子们相处起来很有一套,孩子们都听她的。the ˈMidas touchthe ability to be very successful in making money 赚大钱的本领Stephanie has the Midas touch — she makes lots of money whatever she does.斯蒂芬妮仿佛有点金术,她做什么都能赚大钱。 ORIGIN In Greek legend, whatever King Midas touched turned to gold. 在希腊传说中,弥达斯国王可以点物成金。hit/touch a (raw) ˈnervesay sth which upsets sb because they are very sensitive about that subject 触及要害;触动痛处You touched a raw nerve when you talked to the manager about the need for better communications within the company.你跟经理谈到公司内部需要更好的沟通,这触动了他的痛处。catch/touch sb on the ˈraw (BrE) upset sb by reminding them of sth they are particularly sensitive about 触到某人的痛处;揭某人的伤疤She touched him on the raw by criticizing his driving.她批评他开车的技术,这触到了他的痛处。




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