

词组 bottom
释义 bottom BrE /ˈbɒtəm/
NAmE /ˈbɑːtəm/
at ˈbottombasically; in reality 归根结底;本质上She seems rather unfriendly, but at bottom I think she’s quite kind.
at the bottom/top of the ˈpile/ˈheap (informal) in a low/high position in society 处于社会的底层/高层You’ve no idea what life at the bottom of the pile is like, have you? When do you ever talk to ordinary people?
be/lie at the ˈbottom of sthbe the basic cause of sth 是某事的根本原因Racist feelings almost certainly lie at the bottom of these recent attacks.
the ˌbottom drops/falls out of the ˈmarketpeople no longer want to buy a particular product and so it has to be sold very cheaply (某产品)滞销,价格暴跌She invested in coffee, but then the bottom dropped out of the market, and she lost a lot of money.
the ˌbottom drops/falls out of sb’s ˈworlda person suddenly loses all their happiness, self-confidence, etc. 某人的世界崩溃;生活失去了意义When his wife left him, the bottom dropped out of his world.
the ˌbottom ˈline (informal) the important conclusion, judgement, or result 重要的结论;根本的判定标准;最终结果We’ve had some success this year, but the bottom line is that the business is still losing money.
the bottom of the ˈhour (especially NAmE) (on a TV/radio programme, etc.) 30 minutes past the hour on a clock (在电视或电台节目等中)半点The radio station provides hourly newscasts at both the top and bottom of the hour.
OPP the top of the hour
from the ˌbottom of your ˈheartwith deep feeling; very sincerely 衷心地;由衷地;诚恳地I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help.
get to the ˈbottom of sthfind the true cause of sth or the solution to sth 弄清事物的真相;找到根源;找到解决办法We’re determined to get to the bottom of this mystery.
OPP scratch the surface (of sth)
(you can) bet your bottom ˈdollar/your ˈlife (on sth/that…) (informal) (you can) be certain of sth (可以)肯定,打包票;毫无疑问You can bet your bottom dollar that he’ll forget our anniversary.可以打包票,他会把我们的纪念日忘掉。a/the ˌrace to the ˈbottom (business 商业) the idea that economic competition will lead to lower standards, worse conditions for workers, and workers in some countries losing their jobs to lower-paid workers in other countries 竞次;逐底竞争(指能导致用工标准降低、工作条件恶化、就业机会向工资水平更低的国家转移的经济竞争)They fear that globalization only creates a race to the bottom.他们担心全球化只会造成逐底竞争。hit/reach ˌrock ˈbottombe at ˌrock ˈbottomreach or be at the lowest point or level that is possible 跌至谷底;跌至最低水平Demand for new cars is at rock bottom. This month’s sales figures are the lowest in ten years.对新车的需求已降至最低,本月的销售额是 10 年来最低的。I really hit rock bottom after my marriage broke up.婚姻破裂后我的生活陷入低谷。 ˌrock-ˈbottom


For rock-bottom prices, come to McArthur’s Furniture Store.要找最低价,请到麦克阿瑟家具店来。
(as) smooth as ˈsilk ( (as) smooth as a baby’s ˈbottom humorous ) very smooth 如丝般光滑;光滑得像小孩子的屁股He had just shaved and his face was as smooth as a baby’s bottom.他刚刚刮过脸,脸上光溜溜的。from ˌtop to ˈbottomcompletely and thoroughly 完完全全;彻底地We searched the house from top to bottom.我们把房子边边角角都搜了一遍。touch ˈbottom1. reach the ground at the bottom of an area of water 触及水底2. (BrE) reach the worst possible state or condition 到最糟糕的地步;到最低点Her career really touched bottom with that movie.那部电影真的使她的事业跌至谷底。




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