

词组 best
释义 best /best/ SEE ALL
all the ˈbestused when you are saying goodbye or ending a letter to give sb your best wishes (用于告别或信末祝福)祝一切顺利,万事如意All the best, then, Maria, and we’ll see you in two weeks.
Here’s wishing you all the best for the coming year.
as ˌbest you ˈcannot perfectly but as well as you are able 尽力;竭尽全力We’ll manage as best we can.
at ˈbest/ˈworsttaking the most/least hopeful or positive view 好/坏到头;充其量Smoking is at best unpleasant and expensive, and at worst lethal.
at the ˈbest of timeseven when conditions are good 即使在最好的情况下This car does not go very fast at the best of times, and with four people in it, it will go a lot slower.
be (all) for the ˈbesthave a good result, though it does not seem good at first 结果还不错I was very disappointed when I didn’t get the job but now I think it was for the best. I don’t think I would have liked it.
the/your best bet (informal) the best thing for you to do in a particular situation (某种情况下的)最佳措施,最好的办法Your best bet is to leave the car here and get a bus into town.
your best bib and ˈtucker (humorous) your best clothes that you only wear on special occasions (只在特殊的场合才穿的)最好的衣服Bill put on his best bib and tucker and booked a table at a top restaurant for a romantic dinner.
NOTE Bib and tucker are both items of clothing worn in the past. * bib (工装裤上部)与 tucker (花边抵肩)都是旧时服饰的一部分。
the best ˈmedicinethe best way of improving a situation, especially of making you feel happier (尤指改善心情的)最好的药,最好的办法Laughter is the best medicine.
the best of a bad ˈbunch/ˈlot (BrE) a person or a thing that is a little better than the rest in a group, although none are very good 糟糕的人(或东西)里面最好的;矮子里面选出的将军the best of ˈboth/ˈall (possible) worldsthe advantages of two/many very different situations 两种/多种完全不同情况的优点;两全其美We have the best of both worlds here — it’s a peaceful village but we’re only twenty minutes from the town centre.
我们这里真是什么好处都占上了 - 这是个宁静的小村庄,而且离市中心不过二十分钟的路程。
OPP the worst of both/all (possible) worlds
the best of ˈluck (to sb) (old-fashioned, informal, often ironic) used to wish sb luck in an activity, especially one in which they are unlikely to be successful 祝你撞大运(尤指在不大可能成功的情况下)The four of you are going to live in that tiny apartment? The best of luck to you!
the best of ˈthree, ˈfive, etc. (especially in games and sports 尤指游戏和体育运动) up to three, five, etc. games played to decide who wins, the winner being the person or team that wins most of them 三局两胜(或五局三胜等)the best thing since sliced ˈbread (informal, spoken) if you say that sth is the best thing since sliced bread, you think it is extremely good, interesting, etc. 非常好的事情;十分有趣的东西My father doesn’t like him very much, but my mother thinks he’s the best thing since sliced bread!
bring out the ˈbest in sbmake sb show their best qualities 使某人显现出最佳的品质Sometimes it takes a crisis to bring out the best in people.
OPP bring out the worst in sb
do, mean, etc. sth for the ˈbestdo or say sth in order to achieve a good result or to help sb 做(或说)某事是出于好意(或为帮助某人)I just don’t know what to do for the best.
I’m sorry if my advice offended you — I meant it for the best.
for a/some reason/reasons best known to himˈself, herˈself, etc. (humorous) for a reason or reasons which other people find hard to understand 出于只有自己才清楚的理由For reasons best known to himself, he wears two pairs of socks.
get/have the ˈbest of sthgain more advantage from sth than sb else 获胜;获益最多;占上风I thought you had the best of that discussion.
give it your best ˈshottry as hard as you can to do or achieve sth 尽力而为;竭尽全力I probably won’t win the game, but I’ll give it my best shot.
look your/its ˈbestlook as attractive, neat, etc. as possible 展现最佳状态The garden looks its best when all the flowers are out.
make the best of sth/things/a bad jobdo as well as you can in a difficult situation 在逆境中尽力而为It wasn’t a very large room, but he made the best of it by using space carefully.
I know the lighting isn’t perfect but we’ll have to make the best of a bad job and get the best photos we can.
put your best foot ˈforwardgo, work, etc. as fast as you can 从速行事If we put our best foot forward, we should be there by noon.
to the best of your beˈlief/ˈknowledgeas far as you know 据某人所知He never made a will, to the best of my knowledge.
with the ˈbest of themas well as anybody 同任何人一样;不亚于任何人;不比别人差She may be seventy, but she can get up and dance with the best of them!
with the ˌbest will in the ˈworldeven though you have tried very hard to be fair, generous, etc. 不管意图是多么的好He’s quite competent, but with the best will in the world, I can’t imagine him as head of a large company.
had better/best do sthused to tell sb what you think they should do 最好做某事;应该做某事You’d better lock the door before you leave: there are lots of thieves about.走之前最好把门锁上,这一带小偷很多。Hadn’t you better check to see if the baby is all right?你不认为该检查一下看宝宝是否安好吗?‘Shall I phone her now?’ ‘You’d best not. She might be asleep.’“我现在就给她打电话好吗?”“最好不要,她可能正在睡觉。”ˌhope for the ˈbesthope that everything will go well, even if there are doubts that it will 处处往好处想;抱乐观的希望There is nothing more the doctors can do. All we can do now is hope for the best.医生已无能为力了,我们只能往好处想。know ˈbestknow what should be done in a situation because you have knowledge and/or experience 最懂得,最了解,比谁都明白(该怎么做)‘I want to get up.’ ‘But the doctor said you were to stay in bed, and he knows best.’“我想起床。”“可是医生说你要卧床休息,他最清楚你该怎么做。”Everyone said that I shouldn’t go there alone but I thought I knew best.大家都说我不该一个人去那儿,可是我想我最清楚该怎么做。do/try your level ˈbest (to do sth)try as hard as you can 尽自己最大努力;竭尽全力;全力以赴I’ll do my level best to be there by ten o’clock, but I can’t promise anything.我会尽全力争取十点之前赶到那里,但是我无法保证。man’s best ˈfrienda way of describing a dog 人类最好的朋友(指狗)the next best ˈthingthe best alternative for a thing that you cannot have 仅次于…的事物;排第二的事物I couldn’t find any more of that Italian ice cream but this is the next best thing in my opinion.我再也未能找到那种意大利冰激凌,不过我认为这种仅次于那种。the better/best part of sthmost of sth 绝大部分;多半I worked at the camp for the better part of the summer.我夏天的大部分时间都在营地工作。He had lived there for the best part of fifty years.他 50 年来大部分时间都住在那里。be past your/its ˈbestbe no longer as strong, fresh, young, beautiful, etc. as before (体力、容貌等)过了最佳期,不如以前What do you mean, somebody over 35 is past their best? That’s nonsense.你这是什么意思,人过了 35 岁就不如以前了?简直是胡说。 OPP in the prime of (your) life ˌsecond ˈbestnot as good as the best; not exactly what you want 次于最好的;退而求其次的The two teams seemed evenly matched, but Arsenal came off second best (= did not win).两队似乎旗鼓相当,可是阿森纳队最终还是屈居亚军。Sometimes you have to settle for (= be content with) second best.有的时候你不得不退而求其次。your Sunday ˈbest (informal, humorous) your best clothes (某人)最好的衣服,节日盛装She got all dressed up in her Sunday best to meet her boyfriend’s parents.她穿上自己最好的衣服去见男朋友的父母。




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