

词组 wind
释义 wind1 /wɪnd/ SEE ALL
break ˈwindlet gas out from the intestine (= the tube along which food passes after it has been through the stomach) through the anus 放屁get ˈwind of sth (informal) hear about sth secret or private 听到…的风声;获悉…的秘密消息A journalist got wind of a story about the nuclear research centre.
get/have the ˈwind up (about sth) (BrE, informal) become/be frightened about sth (因…而)害怕,忧虑I heard that he’s selling his business and moving away. I think he’s got the wind up about something or other.
go, run, etc. like the ˈwindgo, run, etc. very fast 飞跑We had to drive like the wind to get there in time.
She ran like the wind.
OPP at a snail’s pace
in the ˈwindabout to happen soon, although you do not know exactly when 即将发生;在酝酿中I can see some changes in the wind.
The soldiers sensed that something was in the wind.
put the ˈwind up sb (BrE, informal) make sb frightened about sth 使害怕;使受惊He really put the wind up her with his stories of rats in the kitchen.
take the ˈwind out of sb’s sails (informal) make sb suddenly less confident or angry, especially when you do or say sth that they do not expect 冷不防使某人失去自信;使某人消气When he just smiled and agreed with her, it rather took the wind out of her sails.
throw caution to the ˈwind(s) (often humorous) stop caring about how dangerous sth might be; start taking risks 冒险行事;不顾危险I decided to throw caution to the winds and buy myself a really expensive pair of shoes.我决定不再顾忌什么,给自己花大价钱买一双鞋。He threw caution to the wind and dived in after the child.他不顾危险跟着小孩跳进了水里。 OPP tread carefully, warily, etc. a wind/the winds of ˈchangean event or a series of events that has started to happen and will cause important changes or results 会导致重要改变(或后果)的(一系列)事件;变化征兆There’s a wind of change in the attitude of voters.选民的态度有改变的迹象。Winds of change were sweeping over the country.全国各地都出现了变动的迹象。 ORIGIN The British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan used this phrase in a speech he made in 1960. 英国首相哈罗德 ∙ 麦克米伦在 1960 年的一次演讲中曾用到这个短语。it’s an ˌill ˈwind (that blows ˌnobody any ˈgood) (saying) no problem is so bad that it does not bring some advantage to sb 没有绝对的坏事;任何坏事都会有利于某些人The fire destroyed half the village. For the builders business has never been better. It’s an ill wind…大火烧毁了半个村子,不过对建筑商来说,生意从来没这么好过。任何坏事总会对某些人有利…sail close to the ˈwindbehave in a way that is almost illegal or socially unacceptable 迎风而驶;冒风险(干可能违法或不为社会所接受的事)She’s been late for work three times this week, which is sailing close to the wind, I think.本周她已经迟到三次了,她这不是在顶风作案嘛。get your second ˈwind (informal) find energy, strength or enthusiasm after feeling tired or after a period when you produce little 恢复体力;重鼓干劲;重振精神After midnight the dancers seemed to get their second wind and went on till dawn.午夜过后,跳舞的人们似乎又来了精神,一直跳到天亮。 NOTE This expression comes from running; after feeling out of breath at the beginning of a race, you later find it easier to breathe. 这个表达法源于赛跑,开始时会觉得呼吸困难,后又会觉得好一些。 a straw in the ˈwind (BrE) an unimportant incident or piece of information which shows you what might happen in the future (预示事态发展的)迹象,苗头,征兆Journalists are always looking for straws in the wind.记者们总是在寻找风吹草动的迹象。(be) three sheets to the ˈwind (old-fashioned) (be) drunk 醉得东倒西歪By 11 o’clock he was three sheets to the wind and we had to take him home in a cab.到 11 点他已经烂醉如泥,我们只好打车把他送回家。 OPP stone-cold sober ORIGIN This idiom comes from sailing: if three sheets (= the ropes attached to the sails) are loose, the wind blows the sails about and the boat moves in a very unsteady way. 这个习语源于航海:如果三根帆脚索(sheets)都松了,风就会把帆吹得东摇西摆,导致船只颠簸。ˈtwist in the wind (especially NAmE) be in a bad, difficult or uncertain situation, particularly one in which you receive the blame for sth 处于困难(或悬而未决)的境地;(尤指)陷入被责备的境地When the scandal broke, his business partners left him to twist in the wind.丑闻曝光后,他的生意伙伴弃他不顾,使他处在风口浪尖上。The government left people twisting in the wind (= not sure what would happen to them).政府让民众陷入悬而未决的境地。see which way the ˈwind blowssee what most people think, or what is likely to happen before you decide how to act yourself (作决定或行事前)观望形势,看风向Most politicians are careful to see which way the wind’s blowing before they make up their minds.大多数政客都很谨慎,他们看清形势后才会作决定。
wind2 /waɪnd/twist/wind/wrap sb around/round your little ˈfinger (informal) be able to persuade or influence sb very easily, usually because they like you (通常因对方喜欢自己而)任意摆布某人,随便左右某人;将…操纵于股掌之间I can twist my parents round my little finger.我总能让父母听我的。




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