

词组 moon
释义 moon /muːn/ SEE ALL
be over the ˈmoon (informal, especially BrE) be very happy and excited 非常高兴;乐翻了天‘How does it feel to have won the championship?’ ‘I’m over the moon.’
ORIGIN This comes from a line in an old children’s poem: Hey diddle, diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon…. 这个习语源于一首旧童谣,其中有一句是“嘿,迪得尔,迪得尔,猫儿和提琴,奶牛跳过了月亮…”。
cry/ask for the ˈmoon ( want the ˈmoon) (BrE, informal) want or ask for sth you cannot get, or sth that will not be given to you 想做办不到的事;想要得不到的东西Is it asking for the moon to hope for peace in this country?
I don’t want the moon; I just want him to listen to me for once.
ˌonce in a blue ˈmoon (informal) very rarely 千载难逢;极难得;破天荒地Sue’s daughter only visits her once in a blue moon.苏的女儿很少来看她。promise (sb) the ˈmoon/ˈearth/ˈworld (informal) make very big or impossible promises that you are unlikely to keep 作出不可能兑现的承诺He promised her the moon, but after ten years of marriage they hardly had enough to live on.他向她作了许多空头承诺,可是结婚十年了,他们几乎入不敷出。




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