

词组 pan
释义 pan /pæn/ SEE ALL
go down the ˈpan (BrE, slang) be wasted or spoiled 被浪费;被糟蹋That’s another brilliant idea down the pan.
NOTE Pan is an informal word for the bowl of a toilet. * pan 是非正式用语,意为“马桶”。
a ˌflash in the ˈpan (informal) a success which lasts for a short time and is not likely to be repeated 短暂的成功;昙花一现He scored a lot of goals early in the season, but hasn’t scored any since, so it may have been just a flash in the pan.赛季开始时他进了很多球,但后来就再没得分,所以那可能只是昙花一现。 ORIGIN This refers to an old type of gun. Sometimes the gunpowder in the pan (= a small container at the top of the gun) exploded but failed to set fire to the gunpowder inside the gun with the result that the gun did not fire a bullet. 这个表达法原指一种老式火枪,有时火药池(pan)里的火药起爆后,未能引燃枪管中的火药,子弹不能射出。out of the ˈfrying pan (and) into the ˈfire (saying) out of one situation of danger or difficulty into another (usually worse) one 刚出油锅,又落火坑;才脱龙潭,又入虎穴It was a case of out of the frying pan into the fire: she divorced her husband, who was an alcoholic, and then married another man with the same problem.这真是刚出油锅又落火坑:她跟她的酒鬼丈夫离了婚,接着嫁的男人还是个酒徒。




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