

词组 time
释义 time /taɪm/ SEE ALL
(and) about ˈtime (ˈtoo)(and) not before ˈtime (spoken) said when the speaker is pleased that sth has happened but thinks that it should have happened sooner 早该如此;也该是时候了Here comes the bus — and about time too.
公共汽车来了 - 也该到了。
Julia’s been promoted, and not before time, considering the amount of work she does.
against ˈtime ( against the ˈclock) if you do sth against time, you do it as fast as you can because you do not have much time 抢时间;争分夺秒We’ve only got two days to find a replacement, so we’re racing against time.
They’re working against the clock to try and get people out of the rubble alive.
ahead of/behind ˈtimeearly/late 提前/迟到He arrived ahead of time, and had to wait.
The trains are running behind time again today.
all the ˈtimethe whole ˈtime1. during the whole of a particular period of time (在某段时间内)一直,始终The letter was in my pocket the whole time (= while I was looking for it).
2. very often; repeatedly 经常;反复地She leaves the lights on all the time.
OPP (every) now and again/then
ˈany time (spoken) used after sb has thanked you for helping them, etc. (用于回答对方的感谢)没什么,随时乐意效劳‘Thanks for the lift.’ ‘Any time.’
at a ˈtimeseparately or in groups of two, three, etc. on each occasion 每次;逐一We had to go and see the principal one at a time.
She ran up the stairs two at a time.
at the ˈtimeat a particular moment in the past; then 当时;那时候I remember watching the first men on the moon on television; I was only six at the time.
at ˈmy, ˈyour, etc. time of lifeat my, your, etc. age (especially used about older people) 在我(或你等)这样的年纪(尤指上了年纪)Learn to drive at my time of life? Don’t be silly!
be ahead of/before/in advance of your ˈtimehave ideas or invent things before people are ready to accept them (想法或行为)超前,超越时代He was sure that it was possible to fly to the moon, but he was ahead of his time and people laughed at him.
She was a feminist before her time.
OPP be behind the times
be before sb’s ˈtimebe before the period that a person can remember or was involved in 在某人记事之前;早于某人的年代The Beatles were a bit before my time.
There used to be fields behind this house, but that was before your time (= before you started living here).
be (stuck) in a ˈtime warpnot having changed at all from a time in the past although everything else has 困在时间隧道里;停留在过去Her whole house seems to be stuck in a time warp. It’s like something out of the 1950s.
她的整个房子似乎定格在过去,还是 20 世纪 50 年代的样子。
OPP keep up, move, etc. with the times
do/serve ˈtime (informal) be in prison 服刑;坐牢He had done time for robbing a bank.
Two of the gang are serving time for murder.
every ˈtimewhenever there is a choice 总是(选);(只要可以)就I don’t really like cities — give me the countryside every time.
for the time ˈbeing ( for the ˈmoment/ˈpresent) now, and for a short time in the future 眼下;暂时He can stay with us for the time being until he finds a place of his own.
I’m happy here for the moment, but I might want to move soon.
from/since ˌtime immeˈmorialfrom ancient times; from a very long time ago 远古以来;从很早以前开始The Barton family have lived in this village since time immemorial.
from ˌtime to ˈtimeoccasionally; sometimes 不时;偶尔We go to the theatre from time to time.
OPP all the time (2)
give sb a rough, hard, bad, etc. ˈtime (of it) (informal) make sb’s life very difficult because you do not like them 故意为难某人;跟某人过不去Ever since I started work here, she’s been shouting at me and giving me a hard time.
have a lot of ˈtime for sb/sth (informal, especially BrE) like, admire or respect sb/sth very much 非常喜欢;特别尊敬I’ve got a lot of time for the police. I think they’ve got a very difficult job.
have no ˈtime for sb/sthnot have much ˈtime for sb/sth (informal) dislike and have no respect for sb/sth 不喜欢;讨厌I have no time for lazy people like him.
I haven’t got any time for people who tell lies.
have a (hard, rough, bad, etc.) ˈtime of it (informal) experience difficulties, problems, etc. 困难重重;日子不好过We’re having a time of it at the moment with the builders in the house.
Businesses are having a hard time of it right now.
have the ˌtime of your ˈlife (informal) enjoy yourself; be very happy or excited 非常快乐;玩得很痛快The children had the time of their lives at the circus.
have ˈtime on your hands (informal) have more free time than you want or need 很空闲;手头有太多的空余时间Now the children have left home, she’s got a lot more time on her hands.
OPP have your hands full
(all) in good ˈtime (spoken) used to say that sth will be done or will happen at the appropriate time and not before (用于告诉某人某事会在适当的时间发生)不消多久Be patient, Emily! All in good time.
in good ˈtimewell before the time sth starts or happens 提前;及早Make sure you get there in good time to buy your ticket.
in (less than/next to) ˈno timeso soon or so quickly that it is surprising 立刻,马上(尤指快得令人吃惊)The kids will be leaving home in no time.
She started learning Chinese last year and in less than no time she could hold a conversation in it.
The meal was ready in next to no time.
in your own good ˈtime (informal) when you want to, and not when other people tell you to 在自己方便时;在自己做好准备时There’s no point in getting impatient. She’ll finish the job in her own good time.
in your own ˈtimein your free time, and not at work 得空的时候;在工作以外的时间Please make private phone calls in your own time, Mr Davies, not when you are at work.
in ˈtime1. not late 及时;来得及Make sure that you get here in time for the concert.
2. after quite a long time; eventually 最终;经过一段时间以后You will feel better in time.
3. (play, sing, or dance to music) at the right speed 按照节奏(演奏、唱歌、跳舞等);合拍The violins didn’t seem to be in time with the rest of the orchestra.
it’s ˌhigh/aˌbout ˈtime (that)… (spoken) used for saying that sth should be done or happen immediately or very soon 现在/差不多是…的时候了;该做…了It’s high time that this room was properly cleaned!
So you’ve started work! It’s about time!(= you should have started a long time ago).
it’s only, just, etc. a matter/a question of ˈtime (before…)used to say that a thing will definitely happen in the future, although it may not happen immediately 只不过是时间问题;迟早;早晚的事Don’t worry, you’ll get a job if you keep looking. It’s just a matter of time.
It’s only a question of time before the fighting spreads to the city.
keep ˈtime1. (of a clock or watch 钟、表) always show the correct time 准时;走得准It’s an old watch, but it keeps very good time.
2. sing, play, or dance to music at the right speed (唱歌、演奏、跳舞等)合拍Keep time with the music, Fiona. You’re singing too fast.
lose/waste no ˈtime (in doing sth)do sth quickly and without delay (做某事)毫不拖延;不浪费时间;迅速行动As soon as she arrived back home, she lost no time in visiting all her old friends.
make good, etc. ˈtimego as fast as, or faster than you expected or hoped 进程跟预期一样(或稍快);进展顺利On the first part of the trip we made good time.
make ˈtime (to do sth)make sure you have enough time to do sth 抽出时间(做某事)I’m very busy, but I’ll try to make time to do it.
make up the ˈtimedo sth at a different time, because you cannot do it at the usual or correct time 另外找时间做某事He had a long lunch break on Tuesday and so he made up the time by working late on Wednesday.
ˈmany a timeˈmany’s the time (that)… (old-fashioned) many times; frequently 经常;频繁地Many’s the time we’ve thought about emigrating to Australia, but then we wouldn’t see our grandchildren growing up.
(the) next, first, second, etc. time aˈround/ˈroundon the next, first, second, etc. occasion that the same thing happens 下一次(或第一次等)发生同样的事情时He repeated none of the errors he’d made first time round.
This time around it was not so easy.
not give sb the ˌtime of ˈdayrefuse to speak to sb because you do not like or respect them 不理睬某人;拒绝跟某人说话Since the success of her novel, people shake her hand who once wouldn’t have given her the time of day.
(there’s) no time like the ˈpresent (saying) the best time to do sth is now 现在是做…的最佳时机;没有比此刻更好的时候了‘When do you want me to start the decorating?’ ‘Well, no time like the present, is there?’
of all ˈtimethat has ever been made, lived, etc. 有史以来Which do you think is the best movie of all time?


My all-time favourite movie is ‘Gone with the Wind’.
(right) on ˈtime ( bang on ˈtime) (informal) at the correct time, neither early nor late; punctual 准时;按时I always have to wait for you — you’re never on time.
The train came in bang on time for once.
play for ˈtimetry to delay sth or prevent sth from happening now because you think there will be an advantage to you if you act later (用拖延等手法)争取时间If I can play for time a bit longer, they might lower their price.
take your ˈtime (doing sth/to do sth/over sth)1. do sth as slowly as you like; do not hurry 慢慢来;悠着点;不着急There’s no rush — take your time.
OPP get a move on
2. be late; do sth too slowly 迟到;慢吞吞You certainly took your time to get here. I’ve been waiting an hour!
The shop assistant took her time serving me.
there’s no time to ˈlosethere’s no time to be ˈlost (saying) you must act quickly 必须立刻行动;没有时间可耽搁了Come on, there’s no time to lose! The plane leaves in half an hour!
ˌtime after ˈtimeˌtime and (ˌtime) aˈgainvery often; many times, repeatedly 一而再,再而三;一次又一次;屡次He makes the same mistake time after time.
Time and again she’s tried to give up smoking, but she never succeeds.
time ˈflies (saying) time seems to pass very quickly 时间过得真快;岁月如梭How time flies! I’ve got to go now.
Time has flown since I started working here.
ORIGIN This is a translation of the Latin phrase ‘tempus fugit’. 这个短语译自拉丁语短语 tempus fugit。
time hangs/lies ˈheavy (on your ˈhands)time seems to pass very slowly because you are bored or have nothing to do 时间过得很慢;(某人)感到无所事事;度日如年In prison, time hangs heavy.
time is getting ˈonit is getting late; there is not much time left 快来不及了;没有多少时间了We’d better hurry up and finish; time’s getting on.
time is ˈmoney (saying) time is valuable, and should not be wasted 时间就是金钱 ORIGIN This saying was first used by the American politician Benjamin Franklin in 1748. 这句格言是由美国政治家本杰明 ∙ 富兰克林在 1748 年首次使用。time is on sb’s ˈside ( have time on your side) sb has enough time to do sth; the more that time passes, the more sb will be helped 有的是时间;拖得越久对某人越有利Although she failed the exam, time is on her side; she is young enough to take it again next year.
The longer we wait to sell the house, the more it will be worth, so we’ve got time on our side.
the time is ˈripe (for sb) (to do sth)the time is ˈripe for sth/for doing sth (literary) it is the right time to do sth 时机已经成熟;正是时候做某事I think the time’s ripe for him to leave home if he wants to.
The time is ripe for a change in this country.
time ˈwas (when)… (old-fashioned) used to say that sth used to happen in the past 曾经有一个时候…;那年头…Time was when you could go for a walk in the country and not see another person for miles.
time (alone) will ˈtellonly time will ˈtell (saying) used to say that you will have to wait for some time to find out the result of a situation (只有)时间会证明Only time will tell if the treatment has been successful.
beat ˈtimeshow the rhythm of a piece of music by striking sth, moving your hands, etc. (随着音乐节奏)打拍子She beat time with her fingers.她用手指打着拍子。ˌbetter luck ˈnext time (spoken) used to encourage sb who has not been successful at sth (用于鼓励受挫的人)祝下次好运bide your ˈtimewait for a suitable opportunity to do sth 等待时机She’s just biding her time until the right job comes along.她还在等待看有没有合适的工作。ˈbig time (informal) 1. (the big time) great success in a profession, especially the entertainment business (尤指在娱乐业中的)巨大成功,大红大紫a bit-part actor who finally made / hit the big time最终成名的小角色演员2. on a large scale; to a great extent 大规模地;在很大程度上This time they’ve messed up big time!这一次他们可搞砸了!be/live on borrowed ˈtime1. (of a person who is seriously ill 病得很严重的人) live longer than the doctors expected 比医生估计的时间活得长The doctors say he’s living on borrowed time.医生们说他现在是多活一天赚一天。2. be doing sth that other people are likely to soon stop you from doing 好景不长The government is on borrowed time (= they are not likely to be in power for long).这届政府好景不长了。buy ˈtimedelay sth that seems about to happen 拖延时间This treatment can buy time for the patient, but I’m afraid it will not cure him.这一疗法可以延长病人的生命,不过恐怕治不好他的病。it’s ˈcrunch time (informal) it is the moment when sth must be decided or done, or a difficulty can no longer be avoided 这是关键时刻(或紧要关头)It’s crunch time for him. Either he makes a move now or gives up any hope of winning power.对他来说,这是关键时刻:要么采取行动,要么彻底放弃掌权的希望。in sb’s day/time1. when sb was most successful, famous, etc. 昔日盛时;在(某人的)鼎盛时期He had, in his day, been one of the greatest opera singers in the world.他鼎盛时期曾是世界上最伟大的歌剧演员之一。2. at the time when sb was alive; when sb was young 某人在世的时期;某人年轻时;当年In my grandmother’s time, women were expected to stay at home and look after the children.我祖母年轻那会儿,人们认为女人应该在家中照看孩子。In my day, nobody would have spoken to the boss like that.我年轻那会儿,没有人会那样对老板说话。take it/things one ˌday at a ˈtime (spoken) not think about what will happen in the future 得过且过;做一天和尚撞一天钟;过一天算一天I don’t know if he’ll get better. We’re just taking things one day at a time.我不知道他还能不能好起来,我们只有过一天算一天。have an easy ˈtime of it (BrE, informal) be in a very favourable situation 非常顺利;境况良好She has a very easy time of it in her job — she only works about 30 hours a week.她的工作很轻松,一周只干 30 个小时左右。there’s a ˌfirst time for ˈeverything (saying, humorous) the fact that something has not happened before does not mean that it will never happen 过去没发生的事并不意味着将来就不会发生;凡事都有第一次‘The flood water has never reached the house before.’ ‘Well, there’s a first time for everything.’“以前洪水从没涨到这座房子这儿。”“呃,什么事情都会有第一次嘛。”from that day/time ˈforth (literary) beginning on that day; from that time 从那天起;从那时起He never saw his mother again from that day forth.从那天起他就再没见过他母亲。in the fullness of ˈtime (formal) when enough time has passed; eventually 时机成熟时;终于I knew that, in the fullness of time, somebody with your abilities would emerge and become leader.我就知道终有一天会有像你这样才能卓越的人脱颖而出成为领导者。gain ˈtimedelay sth so that you can have more time to make a decision, deal with a problem, etc. (通过拖延)争取时间Instead of answering the question, he asked for a glass of water to gain time.他没有马上回答问题,而是要了一杯水来拖延时间。ˈhalf the time (informal) most of the time 大部分时间;经常;总是Do tell me whether you are coming home for lunch or not. I don’t know where you are half the time.你可得告诉我你回不回家吃午饭,我总是不知道你在哪儿。in ˈhalf the timein a much shorter time than expected 用(比预期)短得多的时间I don’t think much of his work. I could have done the same job in half the time, and much better too.我觉得他的工作能力不怎么样,换了我,会事半功倍。have a ˈhigh old time (old-fashioned, informal) enjoy yourself very much 玩得很开心When I left them they were having a high old time singing and dancing on the tables!我走的时候,他们站在桌上又唱又跳,开心极了!long time no ˈsee (spoken) used when you greet sb you have not seen for a long time 好久不见Well, hello! Long time no see.哦,你好!好久不见。make up for lost ˈtimedo sth quickly or very often because you wish you had started doing it sooner 补回失去的时间The building work is now behind schedule, but contractors are confident that they can make up for lost time.这项建筑工程目前落后于预定计划,但是承包人有信心把失去的时间补回来。mark ˈtimestay in one situation, job, etc., not making any progress, but waiting for an opportunity to do so 等待时机‘What are you doing at the moment?’ ‘I’m just marking time until somebody offers me a better job.’“你目前在做什么?”“没做什么,我在等待更好的工作机会。” NOTE If soldiers mark time, they march on one spot without moving forward. * mark time 原指士兵原地踏步。 in the ˌnick of ˈtime (informal) at the last possible moment; just in time 在最后一刻;在紧要关头;恰是时候He got to the railway station in the nick of time.他在最后一刻赶到火车站。He remembered in the nick of time that his passport was in his coat pocket.在最后关头他想起来护照在外套口袋里。for the nth ˈtime (informal) used when you are stating that sth is the last in a long series and emphasizing how often sth has happened, especially when you are annoyed (尤用于感到厌烦时强调已说过无数次)不知说过多少次,说过 N 多次I told him, for the nth time, to tidy his room but he’s done nothing to it at all.我跟他不知说过多少次了,让他把屋子打扫干净,可他压根儿没动过一根手指头。ˌonce upon a ˈtimeused, especially at the beginning of children’s stories, to mean ‘a long time in the past’ (尤用于儿童故事的开头)从前,很久以前Once upon a time in a faraway land there lived a princess in a big castle.从前,在一个遥远的地方,有一位公主住在一座大城堡里。pass the time of ˈday (with sb)greet sb and have a short conversation with them about things that are not very important (跟某人)打招呼,寒暄I don’t know any of the neighbours very well, only just enough to pass the the time of day.我和邻居们都不熟,只是见面时寒暄几句而已。pass the/your ˈtime (doing sth)spend your time (doing sth), often while you are waiting for sth else (常指等待时)消磨时间They told each other jokes to pass the time while waiting for the next train.在等下一趟火车时,他们互相讲笑话来打发时间。We passed our time making plans for the weekend.我们提出各种周末计划来消磨时间。it’s ˈpayback time (especially NAmE, informal) used to say that you are now going to make sb suffer because of sth bad he/she did to you 该是遭报应的时候了You were mean to me when we were kids, and now it’s payback time!我们小的时候你对我们很抠门,现在该轮到我们抠门了!quite some ˈtimequite a long time 相当长的时间Quite some time has passed since I last saw my brother.我上次见我弟弟已经是好久以前了。a ˌrace against ˈtime/the ˈclocka situation in which you have to do sth or finish sth very fast before it is too late 和时间赛跑;争分夺秒It was a race against time to reach the shore before the boat sank.赶在船沉之前靠岸是在与时间赛跑。a ˌstitch in ˈtime (saves ˈnine) (saying) if you act immediately when sth goes wrong, it will save you a lot more work later, because the problem will get worse if you leave it 及时缝一针,可以省九针;小洞及时补,免遭大洞苦We’d better fix that leak before it does any permanent damage. A stitch in time…我们最好及早把这个漏洞修补上,以免造成永久的损坏。及时缝一针…do sth in your ˌown sweet ˈtime/ˈway (informal) do sth how and when you want to, even though this might annoy other people 听凭自己的意愿做某事;随心所欲;为所欲为I tried to give her some advice but she just went on in her own sweet way.我想给她提点建议,可是她依旧我行我素。It’s no use trying to hurry him. He’ll do it in his own sweet time.催促他没有用,他还是想什么时候做就什么时候做。tell the ˈtime (BrE) (NAmE tell ˈtime) read the time from a clock, etc. 认时间;懂得看表She’s only five — she hasn’t learnt to tell the time yet.她只有五岁,还不会看时间。stand the test of ˈtimebe considered valuable or useful by people for many years 经得起时间的考验Dickens’ books have stood the test of time — they are as popular now as they were a century ago.狄更斯的作品经久不衰,还像一个世纪以前一样受欢迎。have a thin ˈtime (of it) (BrE, informal) be in an unsuccessful period in your business 事业不成功;生意不景气Small businesses are having a thin time of it at the moment, and many are closing down.现在小企业都不太景气,很多都要关门了。third time ˈlucky (NAmE also third time is the ˈcharm) used when you have failed to do sth twice and hope that you will succeed the third time 第三次运气就好了I missed again! Oh well, third time lucky!我又打偏了!啊,好吧,第三次运气会好的!have a ˈwhale of a time (informal) enjoy yourself very much; have a very good time 玩得很痛快;过得非常快活The children had a whale of a time at the beach and didn’t want to go home.孩子们在海滩上玩得很开心,都不想回家了。




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