

词组 outside
释义 outside /ˌaʊtˈsaɪd/ SEE ALL
at the outˈside (of an amount, a number, etc. 数量等) at the most; as a maximum 至多;充其量I doubt if this factory makes more than 500 cars a year at the very outside.
我怀疑这家工厂是否能年产 500 辆车以上。
on the outˈside1. used to describe how sb appears or seems 表面上;外表上On the outside she seems calm, but I know she’s quite worried.
2. not in prison 不在狱中Life on the outside took some getting used to again.
the outside ˈworldthe world outˈsidethe rest of the world; somewhere where you are in contact with or have the normal way of life of most people 外界;普通人的世界After 15 years in a monastery, he got a job in the outside world. It was quite a shock for him.
在修道院度过 15 年后,他在外面找了一份工作,外面的世界令他难以适应。
beyond/outside your ˈken (old-fashioned) not within your knowledge or understanding 超出某人的知识范围;为某人所不理解Such things are beyond my ken.我可不懂这些事。 NOTE Ken is an old word for ‘knowledge’. * ken 是旧词,表示 knowledge (知识)。




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