

词组 thick
释义 thick /θɪk/ SEE ALL
give sb/get a thick ˈear (BrE, informal) hit sb/be hit on the side of the head, as a punishment 打耳光;挨耳光If you don’t behave yourself you’ll get a thick ear.
in the ˈthick of sth/of doing sth1. in the busiest or most active part of sth/doing sth 在…正紧张的时候;在…最忙的时候He was in the thick of preparing the food for the party, so I didn’t interrupt.
2. in the most crowded part of sth 在最拥挤的地方;身陷… If there’s trouble, you usually find him in the thick of it.
ˌthick and ˈfastquickly and in great numbers or quantities 频频;又多又快地Replies to our advertisement are coming in thick and fast.
By midnight, the snow was falling thick and fast.
(as) thick as ˈthieves (with sb) (informal) (of two or more people 两人或多人) very friendly with each other, especially in a way that makes other people suspicious 非常亲密,过从甚密(尤指令人生疑)Those two are as thick as thieves — they go everywhere together.
OPP be at daggers drawn
(as) thick as two short ˈplanks (informal) ( (as) thick as ˈshit , slang ) (BrE) (of a person ) very stupid 极其愚蠢;笨得要死Because she’s a model, people assume she’s as thick as two short planks, but she isn’t.
OPP (as) bright as a button NOTE Thick is the opposite of thin and can also mean ‘stupid’ in informal language. * thick 是 thin 的反义词,非正式场合使用时也可表示“愚蠢的”。
a thick ˈhead (informal) a physical condition in which your head is painful or you cannot think clearly as a result of an illness or of drinking too much alcohol (生病或酗酒导致的)昏沉脑袋,头脑迷糊I’ve got a really thick head this morning.
OPP have/keep a clear head
(be) thick with sth/sb(be) full of sth/sb 充满;满是The air was thick with the scent of roses.
The street was thick with reporters and photographers.
through ˌthick and ˈthinin spite of all the difficulties and problems; in good and bad times 不顾艰难险阻;甘苦与共He’s been a good friend to her through thick and thin.
a bit ˈthick/ˈstrong (old-fashioned, BrE, informal) not fair or acceptable 不公平;不能接受It’s a bit thick of him to expect me to pay every time we go out together.每次我们俩出去他都指望我来付账,有点不公平。She said it was the worst book she’d ever read, which I think was a bit strong.她说这是她读过的最差劲的书,我觉得这话有失公允。thick/thin on the ˈground (BrE) if people or things are thick/thin on the ground, there are a lot/not many of them in a place 遍地皆是;寥寥无几Customers are thin on the ground at this time of year.一年中这个时节顾客寥寥无几。Good science teachers are thin on the ground.优秀的理科教师屈指可数。lay it on ˈthick/with a ˈtrowel ( pile it on ˈthick, pile it ˈon) say that sth is much better or much worse than it really is because you want to impress or annoy sb (为给某人留下深刻印象而)过分吹捧,过分贬低,言过其实He said that she was his favourite author and that she deserved the Nobel Prize for literature. He really laid it on with a trowel.他对她说,她是自己最喜欢的作家,还说她应该获得诺贝尔文学奖。他对她真是不吝溢美之词。My father really piled it on, shouting at me for ages about my exam results.我父亲真是小题大做,因为我考试没考好冲我大喊大叫了老半天。(have) a thick/thin ˈskin (informal) (be) not affected/affected by criticism or unkind remarks 脸皮厚/薄;禁得住/禁不住批评(或侮辱)A traffic warden needs a thick skin to take so much abuse from motorists.交通管理员需要脸皮厚一点才能招架得住开车人的辱骂。He’s got rather a thin skin for a politician. He’ll have to learn to take the odd unkind remark.作为一名政客,他的脸皮太薄了,他得学会承受各种各样的奚落之言。 ˌthick-ˈskinned, ˌthin-ˈskinned






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