fall flat fail completely to produce the intended or expected effect.
fall flat on your face
1 fall over forwards.
2 fail in an embarrassingly obvious way.
flat as a pancake: seepancake.
flat as a tack in very low spirits or lacking in energy. informal
☞ The idea underlying the expression is of a tack that has been hammered in so that none of it protrudes.
flat out
1 as fast or as hard as possible.
2 without hesitation or reservation; unequivocally. chiefly North American
❶ 2013Daily Telegraph In April this year another commissioner, Stephen Betts, who oversees the Norfolk force, was forced to apologise after saying skilled drivers should be allowed to drive 'flat out' on the motorway.
❷2013Bryan Caplan, Arnold Kling & David HendersonLibrary of Economics & Liberty-Econlog That's just a flat false and ugly accusation, based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the concept of the government's responsibility. It is actually quite appalling Yglesias would insinuate or flat out state otherwise.
in (or into) a flat spin in (or into) a state of agitation or panic. British informal
☞ A flat spin is literally an aerobatic manoeuvre in which an aircraft descends in tight circles while remaining almost horizontal.
2004BBC Popular Music Reviews Not only is this album rich in highly slanderous spurts, there is also enough copyright violation here to send any record company lawyer in to a flat spin.
on the flat
1 on level ground as opposed to uphill.
2 (of a horse race) on an open course as opposed to one with jumps.
that's flat used to indicate that you have reached a decision and will not be persuaded to change your mind. informal