

词组 ball


a ball and chain a severe hindrance.

☞ Originally, a ball and chain referred to a heavy metal ball attached by a chain to the leg of a prisoner or convict to prevent their escape. The term has latterly been used with wry misogynistic humour to refer to a wife.

the ball is in someone's court it is that particular person's turn to act next.

☞ This expression is a metaphor from tennis or a similar ball game where different players use particular areas of a marked court.

a ball of fire a person who is full of energy and enthusiasm.

☞ In the early 19th century this phrase was also used to mean 'a glass of brandy'.

ball the jack go fast; hurry. North American informal

☞ The expression has its origins in US railway terminology, where highball is a signal to proceed and jack is a locomotive.

behind the eight ball: seeeight.

belle of the ball: seebelle.

drop the ball: seedrop.

have a ball enjoy yourself greatly; have fun. informal

☞ A 'ball' in this context is a party or celebration (originally an African American usage).

have the ball at your feet have your best opportunity of succeeding.

have a lot on the ball have a lot of ability. US

keep the ball rolling maintain the momentum of an activity.

keep your eye on (or take your eye off) the ball keep (or fail to keep) your attention focused on the matter in hand.

on the ball alert to new ideas, methods, and trends. informal

1998Romesh GunesekeraSandglass It's big business now, you know. You have to be on the ball: go, go, go all the time.

play ball work willingly with others; cooperate. informal

☞ The literal sense of play ball is 'play a team ball game such as baseball'.

start the ball rolling set an activity in motion; make a start.

the whole ball of wax everything. North American informal

☞ The origins of the phrase (first recorded in the mid 20th century) remain unclear.

a whole new ball game a completely new set of circumstances. informal

☞ The phrase originated in North America, where a ball game is a baseball match.

2014Cecilia BedellaAdventures of Cecilia Bedella Granted I had a broken ankle as an excuse in November and December, but the New Year is a whole new ball game. I'll step it up in 2014!





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