all hell broke (or was let) loose suddenly there was chaos or uproar. informal
be hell on be unpleasant or harmful to.
come hell or high water no matter what difficulties may occur.
1995Ian RankinLet It Bleed It was the one appointment he'd known all day he would keep, come hell or high water.
for the hell of it just for fun. informal
- from hell an extremely unpleasant or troublesome instance or example of something. informal
2001Independent Council tenants who racially harass asylum-seekers will face fast-track eviction under government plans to combat so-called neighbours from hell.
get the hell out (of) escape from a place or situation very quickly. informal
give someone (or get) hell reprimand someone (or be reprimanded) severely. informal
go to (or through) hell and back endure an extremely unpleasant or difficult experience.
go to hell in a handbasket undergo a rapid process of deterioration. North American informal
☞ This expression has been recorded since the early 20th century; variants of it include go to hell in a handcart and go to hell in a basket.
2004Geoffrey NunbergGoing Nuclear The language is going to hell in a handbasket.
hell for leather as fast as possible.
☞ This phrase dates from the late 19th century, and originally referred to riding a horse at reckless speed.
a (or one) hell of a - used to emphasize something very bad or great. informal
1990Stephen KingThe Stand If someone on the committee has been leaking, we're in a hell of a jam.
- the hell out of used in verbal phrases to emphasize force, speed, etc. informal
2004PopCult Magazine All you can think of is, 'Get the hell out of my way so I can gamble'.
hell's bells an exclamation of annoyance or anger. informal
hell's half acre a great distance. North American
hell hath no fury like a woman scorned a woman who has been rejected by a man can be ferociously angry and vindictive. proverb
like a bat out of hell: seebat.
like hell
1 very fast, much, hard, etc. (used for emphasis).
2 used in ironic expressions of scorn or disagreement.
❶ 2013 Kevin BarbieuxThe Homeless Guy Putting stress on a broken or bruised bone hurts like hell.
not a cat in hell's chance: seecat
not a hope (or chance) in hell no hope (or chance) at all. informal
☞ An elaboration of this phrase is not a snowball's chance in hell.
play (merry) hell with throw into turmoil; disrupt. informal
raise hell
1 make a noisy disturbance.
2 complain vociferously. informal
there will be hell to pay serious trouble will occur as a result of a previous action. informal
to hell with expressing your scorn or lack of concern for (someone or something). informal
until (or till) hell freezes over for an extremely long time or forever. informal
what the hell it doesn't matter. informal