between a rock and a hard place in a situation where you are faced with two equally difficult or unpleasant alternatives. informal
2003Yours You are between a rock and a hard place. Of course you want to see your sister and spend time with her but … the time you have with her is really quite exhausting for you.
get your rocks off
1 have an orgasm.
2 obtain pleasure or satisfaction. vulgar slang
☞ Rocks is a euphemism for testicles.
like a shag on a rock: seeshag.
the new rock and roll something that is (temporarily) highly fashionable. informal
1998Jeremy PaxmanThe English London, it was being confidently asserted, is the gastronomic capital of the world, food the new rock-'n'-roll.
on the rocks
1 (of a relationship or enterprise) experiencing difficulties and likely to fail.
2 (of a drink) served undiluted and with ice cubes. informal
rock bottom the lowest possible level.
2004Art Business News By 1992, the Nunez family had hit rock bottom, in debt and living off their credit cards.
rock the boat: seeboat.