the brass ring: seebrass.
hold the ring monitor a dispute or conflict without becoming involved in it.
2011CNN transcripts He's looking to the military to restore order and essentially to hold the ring so that a democratic process can unfold.
make the welkin ring: seewelkin.
ring a bell: seebell.
ring the changes: seechange.
ring down (or up) the curtain mark the end (or the beginning) of an enterprise or event.
☞ The reference here is to the ringing of a bell in a theatre as the signal to raise or lower the stage curtain at the beginning or end of a performance. Compare with bring down the curtain on (atcurtain).
ring in your ears (or head) linger in the memory.
ring the knell of: seeknell.
ring of steel an encircling armed barrier preventing escape or restricting access.
ring off the hook (of a landline telephone) be constantly ringing due to a large number of incoming calls. North American
run (or make) rings round someone outclass or outwit someone very easily. informal
throw your hat in the ring: seehat.