on the pull in search of sexual conquests. informal
pull someone's leg deceive someone playfully; tease someone.
pull the other one used to express a suspicion that you are being deceived or teased. British informal
☞ A fuller form of this expression is pull the other one, it's got bells on. It extends the idea of pulling someone's leg (see above).
2004Andrea LevySmall Island 'The Japs have surrendered,' Maxi informed me. 'Pull the other one,' I told him. 'Everyone knows Japs don't surrender.'
pull someone's pisser = pull someone's leg. vulgar slang
pull together cooperate in a task or undertaking.
pull yourself together recover control of your emotions.
☞ For other idioms containing pull, see the entry for the main word in the idiom (for example, pull your socks up at sock).