the common touch: seecommon.
kick something into touch: seekick.
lose your touch not show your customary skill.
1991Times The guv'nor is a former pork butcher who has clearly not lost his touch.
the Midas touch: seeMidas.
a soft (or easy) touch someone who is easily manipulated; a person or task easily handled. informal
☞ A touch was mid-19th-century criminal slang for the act of getting money from a person, either by pickpocketing or by persuasion. Touch was later extended to refer to the person targeted in this way, and a soft touch was specifically a person from whom money could easily be obtained.
2001Vanity Fair He was also a soft touch for a sob story, possessed of nary a mean bone.
touch and go (of an outcome, especially one that is desired) possible but very uncertain.
touch base: seebase.
touch bottom
1 reach the bottom of water with your feet.
2 be at the lowest or worst point.
3 be in possession of the full facts. British
touch a (raw) nerve: seenerve.
touch a (or the right) chord: see strike a (or the right) chord atchord.
a touch of the sun a slight attack of sunstroke.
touch wood: seewood.
touch your forelock: seeforelock.
would not touch someone or something with a bargepole: seebargepole.