

词组 nothing


be as nothing (compared) to be insignificant in comparison with.

2012Daily Telegraph Had Arthur Scargill strolled into Christie's, I'd have seen him off with my gimlet eye. Had Michael Heseltine appeared, Tarzan would have been as nothing to my Jane.

double or nothing: seedouble.

have nothing on someone or something

1 have much less of a particular quality or ability than someone or something; be inferior to someone or something in a particular respect.

2 (especially of the police) have no incriminating information about someone. informal

❶ 2013 Margaret Pomeranz & David StrattonAt the Movies The comparisons to Little Miss Sunshine are there in a way but this movie has nothing on that gem.

know from nothing: seeknow.

like nothing on earth: seeearth.

make nothing of (or not make anything of) not understand or decipher.

neck or nothing: seeneck.

nothing daunted without having been made fearful or apprehensive.

☞ This use of nothing to mean 'not at all' is now archaic and is almost always found either in this phrase or in nothing loath below.

2012Music OMH-Classical & Opera This production is also remarkable for the casting of the Bevan sisters, Sophie and Mary, as Elvira and Zerlina respectively. Follow that, as they say. Nothing daunted, Garsington embarks on Vivaldi's rarely seen L'Olimpiade on Sunday 3rd.

nothing doing

1 there is no prospect of success or agreement.

2 nothing is happening. informal

nothing less than used to express how extreme something is.

1990Katherine FrankEmily Brontë Nothing less than the ultimate feminine destiny of marriage had been within her reach, and Charlotte had almost immediately spurned it.

nothing loath quite willing.

☞ This expression was used by John Milton in Paradise Lost: 'Her hand he seis'd, and to a shadie bank…He led her nothing loath'.

nothing much in it: seemuch.

nothing to it very simple to do. informal

nothing to write home about: seewrite.

on a hiding to nothing: seehiding.

something and nothing: seesomething.

stop at nothing: seestop.

sweet nothings words of affection exchanged by lovers.

thanks for nothing: seethanks.

there's nothing (or nothing else) for it there's no alternative. British

2002Which? If there's nothing for it other than to get a shiny new appliance, the next question to ask is: 'Where does the old one go?'

think nothing of (it): seethink.

you ain't seen nothing yet there is something even more extreme or impressive in store. informal

☞ This expression was popularized by Al Jolson's aside in the 1927 film The Jazz Singer, 'you ain't heard nuttin' yet' (alluding to the fact that it was the first movie to feature a recorded soundtrack, albeit a fairly limited one).





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