

词组 nose


by a nose (of a victory) by a very narrow margin.

☞ In horse racing, by a nose is the narrowest margin by which a horse can win.

cannot see further than (the end of) your nose be unwilling or fail to consider different possibilities or to foresee the consequences of your actions.

count noses count people, typically in order to determine the numbers in a vote.

cut off your nose to spite your face disadvantage yourself in the course of trying to disadvantage another.

☞ This idea was proverbial for self-defeating malice in both medieval Latin and medieval French, and has been found in English since the mid 16th century.

follow your nose: seefollow.

get your nose in front manage to achieve a winning or leading position.

get up someone's nose irritate or annoy someone. informal

give someone a bloody nose inflict a resounding defeat on someone.

have a nose for have an instinctive talent for detecting (something).

it's no skin off my nose: seeskin.

keep your nose clean stay out of trouble. informal

keep your nose out of refrain from interfering in someone else's affairs.

keep your nose to the grindstone: seegrindstone.

lead someone by the nose: seelead.

look down your nose at: seelook.

nose to tail (of vehicles) moving or standing close behind each other, especially in heavy traffic. British

on the nose

1 to a person's sense of smell.

2 precisely. informal, chiefly North American

3 distasteful; offensive. Australian informal

pay through the nose: seepay.

plain as the nose on your face: see plain as day atplain.

poke your nose into: seepoke.

powder your nose: seepowder.

put someone's nose out of joint upset or annoy someone. informal

rub someone's nose in something: seerub.

thumb your nose at: seethumb.

turn up your nose at show distaste or contempt for something. informal

under someone's nose (of an action) committed openly and boldly, but without someone noticing or noticing in time to prevent it. informal

with your nose in the air haughtily.

2012Pop Matters When landing a well-placed barb, she stands tall, regal, and ramrod straight with her nose in the air.





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