

词组 blue


between the devil and the deep blue sea: seedevil.

blue on blue used to denote an (inadvertent) attack by a military force on members of its own side. British

☞ The expression derives from the use of blue on maps to designate one's own forces.

2004BBC Press Release If I had been told on the day that Christopher died that it had been blue on blue, I could have coped with that, things do happen in war, mistakes are made, casualties, it happens.

blues and twos the siren and blue flashing lights of an emergency-service vehicle. British informal

☞ The twos refers to the vehicles' two-tone siren.

2003Bolton Evening News They will go out with local officers and really learn the craft of being a beat bobby rather than just going out in blues and twos.

a bolt from the blue: seebolt.

boys in blue: seeboy.

clear blue water: seeclear

do something until you are blue in the face persist in trying your hardest at an activity but without success. informal

once in a blue moon very rarely; practically never. informal

☞ The colour blue was an arbitrary choice in this phrase. To say that the moon is blue is recorded in the 16th century as a way of indicating that something could not be true.

out of the blue without warning; very unexpectedly. informal

☞ This phrase refers to a blue (i.e. clear) sky, from which nothing unusual is expected.

scream blue murder: seemurder.

talk a blue streak speak continuously and at great length. North American informal

☞ A blue streak refers to something like a flash of lightning in its speed and vividness.

the thin blue line: seethin.

true blue genuine.

☞ The sense of someone being true blue may derive from the idea of someone being genuinely aristocratic, or having 'blue blood'. In recent times, the term true blue has become particularly associated with loyal supporters of the British Conservative party.

the wide (or wild) blue yonder the sky or sea; the far or unknown distance.

☞ The phrase comes from 'Army Air Corps' (1939), a song by Robert Crawford: 'Off we go into the wild blue yonder, Climbing high into the sun'.





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