

Morning dreams come true Morning glories morning glory morning line morning missile
morning missiles morning, noon, and night morning noon and night morning, noon and night morning person
morning prayers Mornings morning shot morning tent morning tents
morning wood morning woods Moroccan black Morocco moron
moron corps morotgara morph Morpheus morphing
morph into morphy Morris Minor morrow mort
mortal mortal combat mortalled mortaller mortal lock
mortally mortal nuts mortals 000 0-day
10 100 1000 10-4 10 Downing Street
10–1 10–1; ten-one 10–4 10–4; ten-four 11
110 110 per cent 110 proof 11th 12
123 125 12-er 12-ounce curls 14
15 151 151; one-fifty-one; fifty-one 15 minutes of fame 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
180 187 187; one-eight-seven 18-wheeler 18 wheeler
18 wheelers 18-wheelers 19 1984 1FTR
20 20/20 hindsight 21 22 23
23-skiddoo! 23 skidoo 23 Skidoo Street 24 24-7
24/7 24/7; twenty-four seven 24-hour hootch 276 288
288; two eighty-eight 28 cheeks 2C-B 30 364
364; three-sixty-four 365 365; three-six-five 37461 3750
3D 3D chess 3-m 3-on-the-tree 3-peat
3-peat; three-peat 3rd 40 404 404; four-o-four
40 acres and a mule 411 4-1-1 411; four-one-one 415
420 420 man 420 man; four-twenty man 45 4-banger
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