

词组 ill
mod. dull; bad.
This is an ill pizza and I won't eat it.That broad is ill and has a face that would stop a clock.
1. adjective
good, pleasing, desirable, admirable US, 1991.
wild or crazy. Originally black usage, from the verb sense; spread through hip-hop culture US, 1979.
wrong. Originally black usage, probably a variation on 'sick'; widespread with hip-hop culture US, 1994
2. verb
to perform excellently; to do anything superbly. Originally black usage, generally 'to be illin' rather than 'to ill'; became widespread with hip-hop culture US, 1992.
to undergo severe mental stress US, 1989
⇨ illin'; ill
verb to behave in a wild or crazy manner. Originally black usage, generally 'to be illin' rather than 'to ill'; became widespread with hip-hop culture US, 1986
idiomillill at easefeeling nervous and embarrassed, especially in a social situation:They arrived at the party, dressed formally and looking ill at ease.Sara knew he was watching her and suddenly felt ill at ease.


slang Cool or fantastic. Have you heard this track yet? Oh man, it's ill—you're gonna love it!


1. mod. lame; dull; bad. That broad is truly ill and has a face that would stop a clock.
2. and illing and illin’ mod. excellent; cool. We had an ill time at your party. Loved it!
  • augur well for
  • bad feeling
  • bad/ill feeling
  • be ill at ease
  • be taken ill
  • bode ill for (someone or something)
  • bode well for (someone or something)
  • bode well/ill
  • don't speak ill of the dead
  • fall ill
  • for good or ill
  • get sick
  • harbor ill will against (someone or something)
  • harbor ill will toward (someone or something)
  • house of ill repute
  • ill
  • I'll (have to) let you go
  • ill at ease
  • I'll call back later
  • I'll drink to that
  • ill feeling
  • I'll get back to (someone)
  • I'll get back to you on that
  • I'll get right on (something)
  • I'll go to the foot of our stairs
  • I'll have the same
  • ill health
  • I'll look you up when I'm in town
  • I'll put a stop to that
  • I'll thank you to keep your opinions to yourself
  • I'll thank you to mind your own business
  • ill will
  • ill wind that blows no one any good, it's an
  • ill wind that blows no one any good, it's/'tis an
  • ill-disposed to (doing something)
  • ill-disposed to doing
  • ill-gotten gains
  • illin'
  • illing
  • it's an ill bird that fouls its own nest
  • it's an ill wind
  • it's an ill wind that blows no good
  • it's an ill wind that blows no one any good
  • it's an ill wind that blows nobody (any) good
  • it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good
  • It's an ill wind that blows nobody good
  • it's ill waiting for dead men's shoes
  • Never speak ill of the dead
  • speak ill of
  • speak ill of (someone or something)
  • speak/think ill of somebody
  • take ill
  • think ill of (someone or something)
  • wish (one) ill
  • woman of ill repute
  • you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours
  • you shouldn't speak ill of the dead




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