

词组 limber up
Phr V
limber up
limbers, limbering, limbered
limber up
to do simple exercises in order to stretch your muscles and prepare your body for doing a physical activity
You should limber up for at least ten minutes before the race.
to prepare yourself for a job or competition which will be difficult to do or winoften + for
Around the country, politicians are limbering up for the election.
phraselimber up
limber up especially BrE to do gentle exercises in order to stretch your muscles and prepare your body for a sport or competition+ for The athletes were already limbering up for the race. SIMILAR TO: loosen up

limber up

1. To stretch and warm one's muscles, so as to become flexible and loose before some strenuous exercise or activity. Make sure you all limber up before we begin practice. I didn't limber up before my run, and now I've got a terrible cramp in my leg.
2. To stretch and warm up someone else's muscles in such a way. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "limber" and "up" in this usage. The team masseuse limbered us up before we headed out to practice. I need to limber up my legs.

limber someone or something up

to make someone or something more flexible or loose. Let me give you a massage; that will limber you up. I need to limber up my arms.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 19:03:48