

词组 come down to
come down tocome down to (something)
to be recognized as the most important thing.
It comes down to simply teaching the basics to these kids--they don't know anything.

Phr V
come down to
comes, coming, came, come
come down to sth
if a situation or decision comes down to something, that is the thing that will influence it most
It depends on whether you want children or a career - because that's what it comes down to.It all comes down to money in the end.When it comes down to it (= the basic truth is) you can't trust anyone.If it comes down to it (= if we really need to) we'll have to cancel the whole event.
phrasecome down to1. come down to sth if a problem or difficult situation comes down to something, that is the most important point or idea to considerit all comes down to sth It all comes down to money when you're trying to buy a house. Sure, you have to have talent, but in the end it all comes down to having confidence in yourself.when it comes down to it (=this is the most basic and important point) When it comes down to it, you have to remember she's only sixteen. SIMILAR TO: boil down to2. if it comes down to it ... spoken used to say that if something becomes really necessary, that is what you will have to do: If it comes down to it, we'll just have to sell the house.

come down to

1. To amount to something (usually the most important or crucial aspect of something). In this usage, "to" is typically followed by a thing or idea. It's a great offer, but my decision comes down to salary, to be honest with you. With rents skyrocketing, it all comes down to how much you want to keep living in this part of town.
2. To visit some place, often a location that is lower or farther south than one's starting point. In this usage, "to" is followed by a place. Our Canadian relatives are coming down to our house in California for a few days. Can you come down to the basement to help me for a second?

come down to (some place)

To travel south of the state or area that one is currently in. If you ever want a break from those brutal Chicago winters, come down to Arizona and spend some time with us in the desert.

come down to something

to be reduced to something; to amount to no more than something. It comes down to whether you want to go to the movies or stay at home and watch television. It came down to either getting a job or going to college.

come down to

Also, come right down to. Amount to or be reduced to, as in It all comes down to a matter of who was first in line, or When it comes right down to it, you have to admit he was mistaken. [Late 1800s] Also see boil down, def. 2.

come down to

1. To confront or deal with forthrightly: When you come right down to it, you have to admit I'm correct.
2. To amount to in essence: It comes down to this: the man is a cheat.




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更新时间:2024/9/22 1:54:17