

词组 pillows
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pillow talk

Intimate conversations between two people in a romantic relationship when they are in bed together. More than anything else, it's the pillow talk that I miss most since we had kids—we just don't have the time for it anymore, and it feels like we've become a bit distant as a result.


Resting or reclining on some soft, cushioned material. She lay pillowed on velvet cushions. You should see her dog—the thing sleeps at night pillowed in a lush satin mattress. I swear, it has a better life than I do.

ˈpillow talk

(informal) a conversation in bed between lovers when promises are made which should not be taken too seriously, or secrets are revealed: ‘He said he’d never been so deeply in love in the whole of his life.’ ‘That was just pillow talk.’‘How did he find out about that?’ ‘Pillow talk, probably.’


mod. pregnant. (Refers to the swelling in a pregnant woman’s abdomen.) She does look a bit pillowed, doesn’t she?

pillow talk

Exchanging information, often of a privileged nature, in bed. Dating from the first half of the 1900s, the term was the title of a romantic comedy motion picture (1959) starring Rock Hudson and Doris Day. A New York Times article had it, “Mrs. Ford makes it plain she gets her views across to Mr.[President] Ford in what she calls ‘pillow talk’” (Aug. 4, 1975).




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