

词组 Hunter John
释义 (redirected from Hunter John)

head hunter

1. Someone who recruits employees for a business or corporation. I'm not actively looking for a new job, but this head hunter for a big firm keeps calling me, so I might as well hear her pitch.
2. A member of a tribe who decapitates other people and preserves their heads as souvenirs. Be careful exploring that part of the rainforest—it's home to a tribe of head hunters!

(as) hungry as a hunter

Very hungry. Hey, when is dinner going to be ready? I'm hungry as a hunter!

*hungry as a bear

 and *hungry as a hunter
Cliché very hungry. (*Also: as ~.) I'm as hungry as a bear. I could eat anything! We'd better have a big meal ready by the time Tommy gets home; he's always hungry as a hunter after soccer practice.




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更新时间:2024/9/22 1:31:14