

词组 hunt down
Phr V
hunt down
hunts, hunting, hunted
hunt down sb or hunt sb down
to search for someone until you find them, usually in order to kill or punish them
Chandler's mission was to hunt down and kill a German agent in Switzerland.
phrasehunt down
hunt down sbhunt sb down to search for a person or animal by chasing them until you catch them, especially in order to punish or kill them: When slaves escaped from their master, they were hunted down like wild beasts. The sole purpose of his voyage was to hunt down the Great White Whale.

hunt down

1. To pursue and find someone or something. A noun or pronoun can be used between "hunt" and "down." The police have vowed to hunt down the perpetrators of this crime. If you hurt my daughter, I'll hunt you down, you hear me?
2. To search for someone or something. A noun or pronoun can be used between "hunt" and "down." I'm trying to hunt down an extra cookie pan, but I've been unsuccessful so far.

hunt someone or something down

1. to chase and catch someone or something. I don't know where Amy is, but I'll hunt her down. I'll find her. I will hunt down the villain.
2. to locate someone or something. I don't have a big enough gasket. I'll have to hunt one down. I have to hunt down a good dentist.

hunt down

1. To pursue, track, or search for something or someone: The panther hunted down the deer. The police hunted the kidnappers down.
2. To find something or someone after a long or difficult search: I hunted down my watch—it was at the bottom of my sock drawer. After two weeks, the detectives finally hunted the suspect down.




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