

词组 put across
put someone or something across and get someone or something across
to make a clear explanation of something; to explain oneself clearly.
The teacher got the idea across with the help of pictures.I'm taking a course in public speaking to help put myself across better.
Phr V
put across
puts, putting, put
put across sth or put sth across
to explain or express something clearly so that people understand it easily
The government needs to put across the message that the economy is starting to recover.Good teachers are the ones who are able to put things across well.
put yourself across
(always reflexive) to express your ideas and opinions clearly so that people understand them easily and realize what sort of person you are
I don't think I managed to put myself across very well in that interview.
phraseput across1. put across sthput sth across to explain your ideas, opinions etc clearly so that other people can understand them: The Democrats ran a series of television commercials, in an effort to put their message across. SIMILAR TO: get across, put over, convey formal, communicate2. put yourself across to explain your ideas and opinions clearly so that people understand them, and realize what sort of person you are: He's a brilliant artist, but he doesn't put himself across very well in interviews.3. put across sthput sth across especially BrE to make other people have a particular opinion or idea about someone or something: Be careful that you put across the right sort of image at your interview. Wear a suit, and try to appear confident and relaxed.

put (oneself) across

To communicate and express oneself clearly and effectively, such that others can understand one's opinions, ideas, and what one is like on a personal level. Jared has a bit of social anxiety, so he has trouble putting himself across around other people he doesn't know. The most important thing when you are speaking in front of an audience to is make sure you put yourself across well.

put someone across (in a good way)

 and get someone across (in a good way)
to present someone in a good way or a good light. I don't want Tom to make the speech. He doesn't put himself across well. I get myself across in situations like this. I'll do it.

put something across (to someone)

 and get something across (to someone)
Fig. to make something clear to someone; to convince someone of something; to get a plan accepted. I don't know how to put this point across to my class. Can you help? Can you help me get this across?

put across

1. Cause to be understood or accepted, as in She put her views across very well. [c. 1920]
2. Attain or carry through by deceit, as in You can't put anything across this teacher. [c. 1920] Also see put over, def. 3.

put across

1. To place something so that it traverses something else: I put one leg across the other because it was more comfortable to sit that way.
2. To state or describe something clearly to others: The council put its views across during the hearing. The students will put across their opinions at the meeting.




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