

词组 a thousands and one things to do
释义 (redirected from a thousands and one things to do)

a hundred and one (something)

A huge or burdensome amount of something. Often followed by "to (do something)." I can't drive you to the mall, I already have a hundred and one things to get done today. I've got about a hundred and one clients to meet with today, so if you need anything from me, you'd better make it snappy!

a million and one (something)

A huge or burdensome amount of something. Often followed by "to (do something)." I can't drive you to the mall, I already have a million and one things to get done today. I've got about a million and one clients to meet with today, so if you need anything from me, you'd better make it snappy!

a thousand and one (something)

A huge or burdensome amount of something. Often followed by "to (do something)." I can't drive you to the mall, I already have a thousand and one things to get done today. I've got about a thousand and one clients to meet with today, so if you need anything from me, you'd better make it snappy!

a hundred/thousand/million and one things/things to do, etc.

(informal) very many or too many (things to do, people to see, etc.): I’m so busy — I’ve got lectures to prepare and a hundred and one letters to write — I just don’t know where to start.She’s always got a thousand and one excuses for everything.




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