

词组 assister
释义 (redirected from assister)

assist (one) at

To help another person with something, usually in a medical setting. Who is going to assist me at the laparotomy this morning?

assist in

To help with something. A noun or pronoun can be used between "assist" and "in." Who wants to assist me in this endeavor? My boss wants me to assist in this project, so here I am!

assist with

To help with something. A noun or pronoun can be used between "assist" and "with." Who wants to assist me with this endeavor? My boss wants me to assist with this project, so here I am!

assist in something

to help with something. May I assist in this? Please assist in this task.

assist (someone) at something

to serve as a helper or assistant in some procedure. (This usually refers to a surgical procedure.) Will you assist at surgery this morning? I would be happy to assist you at the procedure.

assist someone in something

to help a particular person working on a task. Please assist Greg in the committee's assignment. We assisted him in the whole procedure.

assist someone with someone or something

to help someone manage someone or something, especially with lifting or physical management. Assist me with Jane, won't you? Will you assist me with this heavy box? Sally assisted herself with the math problem. She did it on her own.




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