

词组 curbing
释义 (redirected from curbing)

curb appeal

The external attractiveness of a building or property, such as can be viewed from the street (i.e., the curb). We were suckered into buying the house because of its incredible curb appeal, but once we moved in, we realized just how run-down it was inside.

kick (someone or something) to the curb

To discard, abandon, or dismiss someone or something that has become redundant, obsolete, useless, or unwanted. I can't believe that after 20 years of hard work the company would just kick me to the curb like that! I think it's about time we kick this old computer to the curb. I heard Jenny kicked her boyfriend to the curb last night. They must have had an awful fight!

be kicked to the curb

To be discarded, abandoned, or dismissed (as from employment) due to being unwanted, obsolete, or redundant. I can't believe that I was kicked to the curb after 20 years of hard work for that company! I think it's about time this old computer was kicked to the curb. I heard Jenny's new boyfriend has already been kicked to the curb. Easy come, easy go!

get kicked to the curb

To be discarded, abandoned, or dismissed (as from employment) due to being unwanted, obsolete, or redundant. I can't believe that I got kicked to the curb after 20 years of hard work for that company! I think it's about time for this old computer to get kicked to the curb. I heard Jenny's new boyfriend has already gotten kicked to the curb. Easy come, easy go!


A person who drives around looking to solicit prostitutes. Primarily heard in US. Don't go into that neighborhood after dark—it's known for prostitutes and curb-crawlers.

shot to the curb

1. slang Discarded, abandoned, or dismissed. Nearly 200 employees were shot to the curb as the company tried to compensate for another year of low sales. When I found out my friends had been lots of things without me, it just felt like I had been shot to the curb.
2. slang Rendered broken, ruined, or inoperable. My nerves have been completely shot to the curb since the car accident. Our plans were shot to the curb when the boss announced that the budget was being cut in half.

shot to the curb

mod. without money or a place to live; living in the gutter; down and out. (Alluding to being on the streets.) I’m totally out of bills, man. Shot to the curb.

step off the curb

in. to die. (Alludes to stepping out in front of a vehicle that causes one’s death.) Ralph almost stepped off the curb during his operation.




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