

词组 nighter

pull an all-nighter

To remain awake all night long, especially so as to study or to complete something. I was a bit of a procrastinator in college, so I tended to pull a lot of all-nighters. Jeff pulled an all-nighter on Thursday to get his report finished for work by the deadline today, so I don't think he'll be coming out with us tonight.


1. The act of staying up all night to complete an activity, usually some kind of academic project. I'm going to have to pull an all-nighter if I'm going to get this term paper done in time for school tomorrow.
2. An establishment that remains open all night. Kyle and Amanda stopped at an all-nighter for a snack after the concert.
3. One who stays awake all night. Jess is a total all-nighter, so that third-shift job is perfect for her.


1. n. something that lasts all night, like a party or study session. After an all-nighter studying, I couldn’t keep my eyes open for the test.
2. n. a place of business that is open all night. We stopped at an all-nighter for a cup of coffee.
3. n. a person who often stays up all night. I’m no all-nighter. I need my beauty sleep, for sure.




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