

词组 a shot across the/sb's bows
idioma shot across the/sb's bows(also a warning shot (across sb's bows))(or a shot across the/sb's bow AmE)something that you do or say in order to warn someone that you oppose what they are doing and will try to make them stop itoften used in newspapers, on television news etc:All industrial companies that pollute the environment should regard the new law as a shot across the bows.The fact that the bill was nearly defeated shows that his own supporters are firing a warning shot across the President's bows.The warning shot that has broadcasters worried came in a report on political impartiality in the media.
Note The bows are the front part of a ship. This idiom comes from a fighting ship firing towards another ship to warn it that it may attack.




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更新时间:2025/1/16 11:06:18