

词组 hotness
noun something good or desirable US, 2002. the hotnessan excellent example of something US, 2003
(redirected from hotness)


1. and hot under the collar mod. angry. Gee, that guy is really hot under the collar. What did I do?
2. mod. wanted by the police. (Underworld.) Lefty is hot because of his part in the bank job.
3. mod. stolen. Rocko won’t touch a hot watch or anything else hot.
4. mod. carrying contraband and subject to arrest if caught. Lefty was hot and needed a place to stay.
5. mod. having a run of good luck in gambling. I was hot when I started. I’m broke now.
6. mod. of great renown; doing quite well for the time being. The opera tenor was hot, and even the lowbrows would pay to hear him.
7. mod. alcohol intoxicated. (Old.) Willy was too hot to stand up.
8. mod. selling well. These things are really hot this season.
9. mod. sexy; sexually arousing. Wow, who was that hot hunk you were with?
  • (as) hot as blazes
  • (as) hot as fire
  • (as) hot as hell
  • (as) hot as highway blacktop
  • (as) hot as the devil
  • (as) hot as the dickens
  • (have done) more (something) than (one) has had hot dinners
  • (Is it) hot enough for you?
  • a cat on a hot tin roof
  • a hot button
  • a hot hand
  • a hot line
  • a hot mess
  • a hot number
  • a hot potato
  • a hot spot
  • a little pot is soon hot
  • as hot as highway blacktop
  • at someone's heels
  • be hot and cold
  • be hot off the press
  • be hot stuff
  • be hot to trot
  • be in hot water
  • be like a cat on a hot tin roof
  • be like a cat on hot bricks
  • blow hot and cold
  • blow hot and cold, to
  • blow this hot dog stand
  • blue balls
  • boiling hot
  • busy as a beaver
  • cat on a hot tin roof
  • cat on a hot tin roof, like a
  • cut through (something) like a (hot) knife through butter
  • devil to pay, the
  • drop (someone or something) like a hot brick
  • drop (someone or something) like a hot potato
  • drop like a hot potato
  • drop like a hot potato, to
  • drop someone or something like a hot potato
  • drop someone/something like a hot potato
  • drop something like a hot potato
  • feel hot and cold
  • full of hot air
  • get hot
  • get hot under the collar
  • get in(to) hot water
  • get into hot water, to
  • go hot and cold
  • go hot and cold (all over)
  • go like hot cakes
  • hard on (one's)/the heels
  • hard on the heels of something
  • hard on your heels
  • hard/hot on somebody's heels
  • have hot pants
  • have hot pants for (someone)
  • have hot pants for someone
  • hot
  • hot air
  • hot and bothered
  • hot and cold
  • hot and heavy
  • hot as blazes
  • hot as fire
  • hot as hell
  • hot at (something)
  • hot button
  • hot check
  • hot damn
  • Hot damn!
  • hot desk
  • hot desking
  • hot diggety
  • hot diggety dog
  • Hot diggety dog!
  • Hot diggety!
  • hot dog
  • Hot dog!
  • hot enough for you?
  • hot enough to burn a polar bear's butt
  • hot for (something)
  • hot head
  • hot item
  • hot line
  • hot lunch
  • hot number
  • hot off the press
  • hot off the press(es)
  • hot on
  • hot on (one's) heels
  • hot on (one's) tracks
  • hot on (one's) trail
  • hot on (something)
  • hot on somebody's/something's tracks/trail
  • hot on the heels of
  • hot on the heels of (someone or something)
  • hot on the track of (someone or something)
  • hot on the trail
  • hot on the trail of (someone or something)
  • hot pants
  • hot paper
  • hot potato
  • hot rocks
  • hot rod
  • hot seat
  • hot seat, in the
  • hot shot
  • hot skinny
  • hot spook
  • hot spot
  • hot stuff
  • hot take
  • hot tea
  • hot ticket
  • hot tip
  • hot to trot
  • hot under the collar
  • hot under the collar, to be
  • hot up
  • hot water
  • hot wire
  • hot ziggety
  • Hot ziggety!
  • hotbox
  • hotboxing
  • hotfoot
  • hotfoot it
  • hotfoot it off to (some place)
  • hotfoot it out of (some place)
  • hothead
  • hotkey
  • hotline
  • hot-rocks
  • hotshot
  • hot-shot
  • hotter than a two-dollar pistol
  • in hot pursuit
  • in hot pursuit (of someone or something)
  • in hot water
  • in the hot seat
  • in/on the hot seat
  • like a (hot) knife through butter
  • like a cat on a hot tin roof
  • like a cat on hot bricks
  • like a hot knife through butter
  • like hot cakes, go
  • make (one) hot under the collar
  • make it hot for
  • make it hot for (someone)
  • make it hot for somebody
  • make it hot for someone
  • make things hot for (one)
  • more something than someone has had hot dinners
  • more than someone has had hot dinners
  • more.../more often than somebody has had hot dinners
  • not so hot
  • not so hot at (something)
  • not so/too hot
  • not too hot
  • on the hot seat
  • piping hot
  • play hide the hot dog
  • put (one) on the hot seat
  • red hot
  • red-hot mama
  • run hot and cold
  • sell like hot cakes
  • sell like hot cakes, to
  • sell/go like hot cakes
  • sit (up)on hot cockles
  • slave over a hot stove
  • strike while the iron is hot
  • strike while the iron is hot, to
  • strike whilst the iron is hot
  • the (hot) skinny
  • the block is hot
  • the tea is piping hot
  • too hot for (someone or something)
  • too hot for somebody
  • too hot to handle
  • too hot to hold (someone)
  • too hot to hold you
  • wouldn't cut hot butter




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更新时间:2024/9/22 1:47:41