

词组 rope into
Phr V
rope into
ropes, roping, roped
rope in sb or rope sb in
rope sb into sth/doing sth
informal to persuade someone to help you with something, especially when they do not want to
We needed a few people to help with the food, so we roped John's dad in.She's been roped into giving a presentation at the conference.
phraserope into
rope sb inrope in sbrope sb into sth informal to persuade someone to help you do something, especially when they do not want toget roped in Whenever they need someone to look after the kids, I get roped in.rope sb into doing sth Have they roped you into selling tickets?rope sb in to do sth We've roped Dad in to help with the entertainment.

rope (one) into (doing) (something)

To persuade, entice, or enlist one to do or participate in something. I really didn't want to sing in the talent show, but Janet roped me into it. I managed to rope a few friends into helping us move out on Saturday.

rope someone into something

 and rope someone in
Fig. to cause someone to get involved in some project. She's always trying to rope me into her club. Let's rope in someone to help with cleaning up.

rope into

To persuade someone to do something by means of trickery or deception: A dishonorable salesman roped us into buying worthless property.




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更新时间:2024/11/14 16:12:37